The Education of Sophie

Full Title: The Education of Sophie
Author / Editor: Erich Von Götha
Publisher: Priaprism Press, 2001


Review © Metapsychology Vol. 6, No. 13
Reviewer: Christian Perring, Ph.D.

This 45-page highly explicit erotic graphic novel depicts
the initiation of Sophie into a sexual society. It is set in London high society. She starts out as an innocent virgin, but her natural sexual
drive is molded by some dramatic and forceful introductions to sexual
experience, and she soon enjoys the polymorphous perversity of a number of
orgies. So the storyline is silly, as
one might expect. The drawing is lively
and varies in quality through the book, which was originally published in
France in Bédé Adult. Of course,
the story plays into just about every pornographic sexual stereotype there ever
was – horny girls taking huge penises in every orifice and loving every moment,
Sophie enjoying public humiliation, being coerced and even physically compelled
to engage in sex, and loving the pain of the whip. The only way one can countenance this is as fantasy, and as
fantasy, it lacks imagination. 
Nevertheless, there’s a sense of fun in the story counterbalancing its
predictability, that makes it more interesting than some more heavy-handed
works of art, such as Stanley Kubrick’s Eyes
Wide Shut

Link: Priaprism
Press web site

Categories: ArtAndPhotography, Sexuality