There’s a Spiritual Solution to Every Problem

Full Title: There's a Spiritual Solution to Every Problem
Author / Editor: Wayne W. Dyer
Publisher: HarperCollins, 2001
Review © Metapsychology Vol. 6, No. 37
Reviewer: Susan K. Wingate
Spiritual principals as the solution to everyday situations such as financial
problems, ill health and even relationships, to name a few, Wayne Dyer shows us
that anything is possible. With the
insights drawn “from various traditions and especially the prayer of Saint
Francis of Assisi, Dyer helps us to unplug the material world and awaken to the
divine within”. The book is written in
two parts. The first part is used to build the foundation for the practical
aspect presented in part two.
This is a wonderful and simplistic work of art! The author makes this book so easy to read
and understand the concepts presented. He also makes the application of the
material an open invitation to anyone wanting to find a new way of dealing with
themselves and the common everyday problems in their life.
Using his own personal crisis as a stepping-stone adds
credence and validity to his work.
Beginning with his 3-step approach to “accessing Spiritual direction”,
akin to the first three steps of Alcoholics Anonymous, the foundation of the
book begins taking shape. What shape, is determined by the individual readers
and based on their own personal belief system. The methodical way in which each
of the concepts are defined for the reader’s greater understanding of the text
and the historical backdrop used throughout the book is indicative of the
author’s patience in wanting to understand and be understood.
I was quite impressed with the author’s ability to weave
the past, present and future potentials together in a way that suggest this
book is designed to be read by anyone regardless of race, creed, religious
affiliation and/or ethnic background. I
am quite sure that it could and would entice the most devout cynic and skeptic
to reexamine themselves.
I can personally attest to having experienced some of the
material first hand even before picking up the book. That alone, is personally validating and at the same time,
reminds me that Spiritual evolution cannot and will not happen without my
participation. This book has the ability to open doors, minds and most
importantly, hearts. As Dr. Dyer
vividly points out, the heart is where we not only LIVE, it is dwelling place
of our Spiritual connectedness.
I highly recommend this book to EVERYONE.
© 2002 Susan K. Wingate
Susan Wingate is currently working in
personnel management at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North
Carolina. She has worked for twelve years as a chemical dependency counselor
for adolescents, as well as having worked with survivors of domestic violence
and sexual abuse. Her passion is to be a vehicle for creating awareness for
self and others.
Categories: SelfHelp