Flying Colors

Full Title: Flying Colors: The Story of a Remarkable Group of Artists and the Transcendent Power of Art
Author / Editor: Tim Lefens
Publisher: Beacon Press, 2002
Review © Metapsychology Vol. 8, No. 9
Reviewer: Lizzie Perring
book has already been well reviewed and received much praise. To these I would
like to add my own account of how it gripped me with a growing terror from
beginning to end. My terror was that the Good Guys would be ousted and the
Baddies would reclaim the world. Towards the end of the book I was reading so
fast it was like obsession. I became desperately engaged with anger for the
righteousness of the cause and the injustice abounding.
So, why was I so gripped by this book? I
believe that it is a must-read for all educators of all people. Let us have an
international law passed that makes it compulsory for all teachers to learn to
thrive in special education before they are unleashed anywhere else. Artists
such as those that Tim Lefens found in the Matheny
School are in fact the best teacher trainers
that anyone could have. The messages about sensitivity, humility and empathy
that this book promotes are crucial learnings for anyone presuming to take the
authority to stand before others and tell them what to do. That Lefens could
see into their capacity and need for expression was the first joy of this book
for me. That he could offer vehicles for creativity and protect the space to
achieve was my second joy.
my own work with people who have special needs I too have found artists and
great thinkers amongst a group of teenagers abandoned by the education system.
I found young people who had poignant and intellectually advanced messages to
deliver and could be helped to do this by an offer creative materials and
back to the book: With a hint of One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest", I
shuddered as "Nurse Rachet"-types stormed art sessions to deliver
medication or demand that an artist in midstream must attend a demeaning
appointment. The hideousness of a music therapist "playing" her human
subjects like chime bars will revolt me forever. Without the lack of a
passionate advocate, people like Tim Lefen’s group of artists, with their
delicate physical frames, provoke great fearfulness in the public. The
unfriendliness of most of our physical environment to wheelchair culture adds
to dependency on centres like the one in this book. Places that are so
physically safe may in the end reduce the capacity to express character and
potential. The reality is that physical needs can trap individuals into this
potential of well meaning caring regimes to oppress. Then comes along a naïve
radical like Tim Lefens and he introduces aspiration. The familiarity of this
clash filled me with terror.
get me wrong; I am full of admiration for those who can perform the essential
practical roles of personal care that people with chronic physical needs cannot
perform for themselves, with love and tenderness day in day out. I know such people
are unique and irreplaceable in the care system and they are rare. I guess that
was what the wincing hierarchy at Matheny were alluding to: This personal care
is what is perfected by such institutions.
beautifully naïve story of humanity and the emergence of this group of abstract
artists within an institution constantly tugs away at these tensions.
why should there be such a connection between people with extremes of physical
need and abstract art? Perhaps their very state of being is abstract. The
abstract art in this book seems to me to relate to the artists’ sense of
dissociation from much of the rest of the world, as in the slow, intensely
meditative work of Eric Corben. In his tender empathy I think that Lefens shows
us that political acceptance of differences between human beings will never be
enough. In the UK now, we are talking about "Inclusion"
as the next step on from "Integration": On the back of Human Rights
hopefully empathy can have some aspirations.
writes in a passionately direct way that whisked me up into that institution so
that I walked by his side as he and Angel strode into the place; I flinched at
Angel’s faux-pas and giggled at his misdemeanors; At the in-class disputes
between teacher and assistant, I felt both embarrassment and irritation; I felt
urgently engaged in the yearning of the students for recognition; and I felt
ready to punch few folk and stamp about the place, asking to see people in
messages and honesty of this story outweigh any reservations about occasional
inconsistencies in style. I would however suggest that he take out the italics
and re-write those sections in a retrospective frame. These sections do lack
the energy of the rest of the book.
I wish to add is to say that I am circulating my copy amongst all my friends
and family and will then continue to circulate amongst colleagues. I recommend
that you do the same. I also recommend that you complement your reading with a
visit to,
where you can view artwork created by the artists mentioned in this book.
2004 Lizzie Perring
Lizzie Perring, Dip
Mus., Cert Ed., MA, Dip Counselling and Psychotherapy, write about herself:
am a musician and writer with long career in the field of Special Educational
Needs. I have specialized in supporting children with emotional and behavioral
difficulties and their families. From 1989 to 1996 I ran an Arts Education
Centre with a group of other artists, where we offered the framework for very
troubled teenagers to become artists themselves. I am a firm advocate for Human
Rights and for a wholeheartedly inclusive society.