Fat and Furious

Full Title: Fat and Furious: Overcome Your Body's Resistance to Weight Loss Now!
Author / Editor: Loree Taylor Jordan
Publisher: Madison Publishing, 2003
Review © Metapsychology Vol. 8, No. 20
Reviewer: Courtney Young
Most diet books today seem to set
forth one solution for people to lose weight. It usually has its own catchy
name, and strict guidelines to follow. Many of these €œdiet€ books seem to
ignore the fact that everyone is different, and has varying dietary
requirements in order to function at an optimal level. In her book Fat and
Furious, Loree Taylor Jordan addresses vastly different approaches to food
and weight loss. Inherent in her work is the knowledge that everyone is
unique, and one€™s ability to lose weight may have little to do with counting
calories. She discusses issues such as hormone imbalance, digestion and
absorption, adequacy of trace minerals, toxicity, food allergies, metabolic
type and blood type. Jordan€™s book seeks educate readers about the physiology
of their bodies in an easy to comprehend way, that in turn explains the
foundations to good health.
Did you know that having parasites can cause weight gain?
What about a tired, toxic liver sabotaging your body€™s attempt to lose weight?
These are just some of the underlying causes of weight gain for some people
that Ms. Jordan talks about. Loree approaches weight loss in a refreshingly
holistic way. She talks about the emotional causes of overeating in great
detail, seeking to help people from her own experiences. There is a lot of
useful information that people can use when talking to their physicians who may
overlook certain symptoms. Her all encompassing approach to health and not
just weight loss sets her book apart from many diet books. If you€™ve been
struggling to lose weight and don€™t know why, this book can be a great tool.
In addition, doctors who want to be more informed in this area would certainly
benefit from reading this book, and its included case studies.
© 2004 Courtney
Young is currently working at Dowling College as an assistant in the Department of Visual Arts.
She is working towards a career in diet and nutrition.