Writing to Heal

Full Title: Writing to Heal: A Guided Journal for Recovering from Trauma and Emotional Upheaval
Author / Editor: James W. Pennebaker
Publisher: New Harbinger, 2004

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Review © Metapsychology Vol. 9, No. 17
Reviewer: Dick C.

The purpose of this book is to
introduce those folks with some sort of trauma or emotional upheaval to the
real life wonders of producing a Journal of The Trauma.  The book provides a
detailed step-by-step instruction or guide as to how to accomplish this
important action as a therapy.

As a recovering alcoholic of some
twenty years I can attest to the ultimate success of reducing your issues no
matter how large or small they appear to the written word from your own hand.
In the recovery circles we refer to this action as taking an inventory. We do
so where possible in writing. I should also relate that this action is somewhat
supervised as it is recommended that you seek some consul on how to accomplish

On a personal note, I took my
written inventory some twenty years ago. I wish that I had the benefit of this
book. It could have given me some very positive direction as to how and where I
needed to go to reach the recovery level that I sought.

I found this book to be a very good
read. The accuracy of the real circumstance was profound. It is a recommended
read for anyone wishing to improve his or her lives in the face of major issues
who are willing to take an action on their own.

Many people will likely consider
taking an inventory or the writing of a personal journal to be no real
challenge. I would submit that this would only be true of the folks that have
not attempted it. Anyone who has seriously tried this has found it to be very
difficult. As the saying goes, "No Pain No Gain."


© 2005 Dick C


Dick C is a retired business executive. He is
himself a recovering alcoholic with twenty years of continuous sobriety. During
this time Dick C has spent much of his time in the process of helping others.
At one time he was an elected Delegate in the recovery movement. He writes
under a pen name to maintain his anonymity. This is a very important part of
the overall recovery process.  Dick C currently has three published books on
the subject of recovery. They are written from the perspective of the addict as
opposed to an observer.

Categories: Addiction, SelfHelp