Your Body Speaks Your Mind

Full Title: Your Body Speaks Your Mind: Decoding the Emotional, Psychological, and Spiritual Messages That Underlie Illness
Author / Editor: Debbie Shapiro
Publisher: Sounds True, 2006
Review © Metapsychology Vol. 11, No. 14
Reviewer: Diana Pederson
Shapiro specializes in helping people communicate with their body. She teaches that our mind, both conscious and unconscious affects our physical body. Scientists have begun proving this and are beginning to recognize that not all illness or pain has a physical problem at its base.
The author has a background in Buddhist meditation, Jungian psychology and bodywork from both the United States and England. She and her husband have taught the principles in this book for twenty years.
Part I teaches you about "Finding Meaning in the Midst of Chaos. Six chapters address: Mind and Matter Unite; The Language of Thoughts and Emotions; The Language of the Body; Listening to the Body Speak, and Curing a Symptom or Healing a Life.
I'm glad to see another book teaching how our mind affects our physical health. It should be read by many doctors today. One of the issues discussed is forgiveness toward others being essential for our own health.
Your Body Speaks Your Mind is basically teaching that we need to learn how to "listen" to our body as it tries to tell us what is wrong or what changes we need to make to have better health. After a thorough discussion of how body and mind work together, Part II takes us through each of our body systems and discusses the various illnesses that affect those parts.
Example: Protector of the Castle: The Immune System (Chapter 10).
First the author explains what the immune system does and how it works. She indicates that scientists are learning that the immune system is adversely affected by our emotions. One example discussed is that of spouses dying shortly after their spouse died. It's been observed that the immune system just stops working and leaves the person susceptible to fatal illnesses.
Next, Shapiro talks about the various parts of the immune system and the problems affecting that part of the system. Let's listen to her information:
BODYMIND Dialogue: Sore Throat
A sore throat is a clear indication that either some reality–you are taking in is making you feel sore or inflamed, or something you want to say is not getting said.
- Is something getting stuck in your throat?
- Are you tolerating something that is making you sore, irritated, annoyed, angry, or upset?
- Or is there something you really want to say that you are holding back?
- Are you really feeling sore while pretending that everything is fine?
- Is someone choking you, or do you feel choked by your own feelings?
- Can you find a way to express your feelings so you can release that blocked energy? [Page 209]
It is a proven fact that our mind (thoughts, emotions, unconscious or conscious) affects the health of our body. The accompanying could walks you through some medication exercises where you envision yourself walking through the inside of your body. You're asked to listen to what the various body parts are trying to tell you. Even after reading this book, I'm left unable to really talk with my body to find out what is wrong or upsetting the various body parts. Therefore, I must finish by saying that I found this book a bit strange. Perhaps it will affect you differently.
© 2007 Diana Pederson
Diana Pederson lives in Lansing, Michigan.
Categories: SelfHelp