Preventing Misbehavior in Children

Full Title: Preventing Misbehavior in Children: 2nd Edition
Author / Editor: Dewey J. Moore
Publisher: Charles C Thomas Pub Ltd, 1996

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Review © Metapsychology Vol. 1, No. 37
Reviewer: JMG
Posted: 9/11/1997

With easy-to-read text, this book is also written in an easy-to-read style which down-to-Earth suggestions and strategies for helping parents cope with raising children in today’s ever-changing society. Divided into seven well-organized chapters, topics range from helping your child build his world, helping him or her learn who he or she is, and concrete examples of how to deal with problems at home. Other chapters include understanding the motivations and thoughts behind the child’s behaviors, some basic facts about child development and child rearing in general, a chapter devoted to special problems and misbehavior (e.g., speech difficulties, deafness, vision problems) and finishes with a chapter entitled “When Parents Goof,” describing a number of general parenting styles and personalities.

Except for the referral of the child as a “he” throughout the book (very non-PC!), most of what Dr. Moore writes is common sensical advice, no doubt taken from his decades worth of knowledge and experience in the field of working with children in practice. The strategies are based upon research and generally a behavioral/cognitive-behavioral point of view, so there’s no need to worry about finger-pointing in this book. This isn’t a book so much about why a child is the way they are, but rather seeks to help parents understand useful methods to change the child’s behavior. It could be a useful and invaluable guide for any parent nowadays and is definitely recommended. 148 pages, paperback and hardcover editions available.

Categories: Relationships, General, SelfHelp