

Here you will find books on the subject of anxiety. Reviews are listed in reverse chronological order, with the most recent review appearing first in the list.

Undoing Perpetual Stress

Pedagogical and encouraging, this book of 517 pages is a real gem for anyone who wants to know more about depression, anxiety and ways of handling these…

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No More Anxiety

Although McMahon attempts to provide a brief, "hands-on" synopsis of the current cognitive and behavioral anxiety treatments in her book No…

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Anxiety, Phobias, and Panic

Updated and revised, this is a well known and well written guide to not only recognizing, but accepting and coming to terms with, the many forms of phobi…

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The Stress Owner’s Manual

The Stress Owner’s Manual is a collection of quizzes, tips, and theories about stress and how to reduce stress.  It is aimed at a general reader and it c…

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The Stress Cure

The Stress Cure offers a guide to women to solve their problems with stress, anxious depression, and other stress related health problems.  It rec…

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Stress is a ubiquitous term nowadays. In Sweden, people’s daily conversation concerns how stressed they feel, or how much stress they have in their life,…

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Stress Survival Guide

This little self-help book on stress was originally published in the UK in 1999, and it has some characteristics of British popular culture.  It uses hum…

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The Male Stress Survival Guide

These days most of us lead stressful lives, working long hours and dealing with many demands.  While it is rare to experience panic attacks, many people…

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Getting Control

Getting Control is a guide in plain English for those wanting to end their obsessions and compulsions. It explains what Obsessive-Compulsive Disor…

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Textbook of Anxiety Disorders

As its title suggests, this is a large format publication, and a huge book, which its publisher—American Psychiatric Publishing—clearly intends…

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Panic Disorder

Dr. McNally provides an insightful analysis into the psychopathology of panic disorder from the perspectives of biological psychiatrists, behavioral psychol…

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Freedom From Fear Forever

Billed as the “21st Century alternative technique effectively eliminating your fears, phobias, anxieties, addictions, post-traumatic stress and self-sabotag…

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The Sky is Falling

This is a teriffic book to start out with if you are dealing with anxiety attacks. It’s the first book I read, mainly because it’s rather thin and when I wa…

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