Client Reviews

Another Country

Also reviewed: Mitch Albom: Tuesdays with Morrie: An Old Man, a Young Man and…

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Case Studies in Depression

Edgar Cayce, 1877-1945, was an individual with a special gift. According to many, he seemed to access what might be called "the collective knowledge of t…

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Cognition, Creativity, and Behavior

I was generally aware of Epstein’s background as a behaviorist and his recent assumption of the helm at the Psychology Today magazine when I…

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The front cover of this book contains a statistical statement that is horrifying in its simplicity. "PTSD is a greater cop killer than all the guns ev…

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This is not a whimsical book but a serious, factually-backed effort by Barth, a psychoanalyst, to explore daydreaming, both what it is and its puposes. T…

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Disrupted Lives

We in America tend to an orderly progression through life that includes emphasis on self-realization, individualism and its relation to the society around u…

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Emotional Intelligence at Work

Weisinger, the author of Anger at Work, has divided this work int…

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For the Love of It

It isn't often, when I choose a book to read, that I like the author to tell me much about what I'm in for as a reader; I want to experience the book fir…

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Forgive Your Parents, Heal Yourself

Guilt anyone? As one of the generation who grew up in the '60s, I am aware of the effects of the generation gap upon familial relations. Most of my gener…

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In the Wake of Suicide

I recently became a person left behind. A member of a support group I attend committed suicide about one month ago. While not particularly close, I did s…

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Inside Therapy

This is a collection of 20 "stories;" mostly lectures, essays and excerpts from larger works, the theme of which is therapy by psychoanalysis,…

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Love & Survival

(Note that the hardback is titled Love and Survival: The Scientific Basis fo…

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Make It Count

Despite its title, this is not a "how to" book using the common meaning of "how to". There are no steps to follow, only, from my perspective, ephemeral b…

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Medicine As Ministry

Dr. Mohrmann, who also has a Ph.D. in theological ethics, avers that "a true and complete understanding of health includes mental and spiritual health as…

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Napkin Notes

I use this book as one of my reference books on Life, rereading it periodically to remind myself of its points. It's wise, funny, comforting and makes one i…

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No Enemies Within

What if you open your mouth to sing to the demons and all that comes out is "My Country ‘Tis of Thee?," in the wrong key? T…

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Pathways through Pain

Callender seeks to "provide a guidebook which identifies the beauty spots and hazards of various routes and . . . indicates the likely destination of e…

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Plan B

This is a clearly written, practical book about recognizing and changing unproductive behavior. It is presented from a psychotherapy standpoint and the rea…

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Prison Madness

The author makes an excellent case for needed reform of prisons and mental health care therein. Through a series of interviews, and knowledge derived fr…

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Reclaiming Soul in Health Care

"Soul is mysterious, living, organic energy serving as a unifying, holistic web of connectedness through the universe." This is a pretty New Age-y metaph…

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Reclaiming the Soul

According to psychiatrist and ordained minister Jeffrey Boyd, theologians have created the mental health institution. Not that they are the therapists who p…

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Self-Help Without the Hype

I was reading a review of Self-Help Without the Hype and the reviewer mentioned he was a bit jealous of the author. It turned out the reviewer was…

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I read a lot of self-help sorts of books and this seemed to me to be a "formula" book, dutifully broken into sections and sections into chapters. There a…

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The gist of this book is best illustrated by the wonderful advice from the end of Chapter 7, "Invest in the picture that brings you joy, and the uni…

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The 5 Reasons Why We Overeat

This was the most exciting, straightforward, and easy-to-follow self-help book I’ve ever read. It was almost a step-by-step guidebook, which is wher…

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The Anger Workbook

Have you kicked your dog today? Anger is bad, right? Stronger, more frightening, and different from the other emotions; but is it really? Lorrainne Bilodeau…

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The Art of Becoming Human

I’ll be fifty years old in the year 2000 and I’m still wondering what I’m going to be when I grow up. In The Art of Becoming Human, ps…

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The Body in Psychotherapy

This is an exciting book, if only because it covers an area of psychology often overlooked in the psychotherapy world and thus has the power of opening n…

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The Cultural Context of Health, Illness, and Medicine

The authors, who are a medical sociologist and medical anthropologist, write their goal is "to examine the role of cultural differences in defining and d…

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The Healing Journey

"Journaling" can be done for a myriad of reasons; it can take many structures; it can be done with greater or lesser frequency; and journalers can write…

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The Healing Journey for Couples

I originally found the title and the concept of this book confusing until I read the sub-title, Your Journey of Mutual Discovery. This book is not…

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The Healing Journey Through Grief

I found this to be a comfortable, sane book. In the beginning, Rich provides suggestions how to approach the book, explaining how it is laid out. These s…

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The Way of the Journal

As an inveterate journaler, current and veteran therapy client and former instructional designer, I wanted so badly to like this book but I just couldn&#…

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The Wild Ass's Skin

Also reviewed: To Have Or``To Be?, by Erich Fromm

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To Have Or To Be?

Also reviewed: The Wild``Ass’s Skin, by Honore De Balzac

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Tuesdays with Morrie

Also reviewed: Mary Pipher, Another Country : Navigating the Emotional Terrain…

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Woulda, Coulda, Shoulda

Woulda, Coulda, Shoulda is a self-help book written by Dr. Arthur Freeman and Rose DeWolf. The book explains to the reader why when people believe…

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You Are Not Your Illness

The focus here is on a practical and spiritual mindset change from looking for a cure after being diagnosed with a serious illness to starting to cope with…

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