ABCs to Positive Living

Full Title: ABCs to Positive Living
Author / Editor: Kos & Victoria St. Christopher
Publisher: Creative Solutions, 2000
Review © Metapsychology Vol. 5, No. 13
Reviewer: CP
Posted: 4/1/2001
This tiny book contains 57 positive affirmations, including
·I am a MASTERPIECE, an outstanding work of art, one of a kind.
·I am HAPPY with myself and my life.
·I am overflowing with VIM, VIGOR and VITALITY.
·I am KREATIVE and that creativity is reflected in every aspect of my life.
Each affirmation is accompanied by a simple little illustration that looks like computer clip art. In the introduction, the authors suggest, “Read, recite out loud, and even write the positive affirmations in this book as many times as possible in the course of each day. Repetition will help break the chains of destructive, negative thought patterns and behaviors forged from the past and present and replace them with the positive seeds necessary to cultivate a happier, more successful and fulfilling life in the future.”
The psychology of positive reinforcement assumes adults are as simple minded as small children. Most people with a mental age greater than five should find this book an insult. It may be, although I doubt it, that people who are utterly depressed, or who have hit rock bottom and have zero self-esteem will find this book useful. For anyone with a shred of dignity left, I can only imagine that using this book would strip you what little self-respect remains.
Categories: General