All Rivers Flow to the Sea

Full Title: All Rivers Flow to the Sea
Author / Editor: Alison McGhee
Publisher: Candlewick, 2005
Review © Metapsychology Vol. 10, No. 33
Reviewer: Patricia Ball
This a heart rendering story of a
girl in her grief who spirals to the depths of despair before she learns to let
go and move on with her life.
An unfortunate accident keeps
happening in seventeen-year-old Roses mind; the car crash on the mountain road
and her older sister Ivy behind the wheel. As she sits next to Ivy’s bedside
listening to the whish of the respirator keeping her alive, the story keeps replaying.
Her mother refuses to visit Ivy at
the hospital and spends her days working at the brewing factory and nights
weaving potholders and folding paper cranes. She refuses to talk about the
accident and is emotionally unavailable to Rose.
William T. makes an appearance; he
is an older neighbor who helps Rose navigate through her grief by offering bits
of spiritual guidance. Rose and William make the daily effort to sit by Ivy’s
bed. As Rose reads to Ivy she senses that there are rivers inside her threatening
to overflow their banks.
Rose takes to meeting boys at the
gorge and doing anything they want; just to feel something-anything-else. As
her mind drifts away like a hovering bird, watching her actions below. She
just wants to feel again even if the feeling is hurt.
All Rivers Flow to the Sea is
a book about a philosophical journey to find solace in family and understanding
the grieving process. It’s a philosophical look at loss and the
re-establishing of identity. While it is a difficult book to read and not
very upbeat, it is an insightful work that will touch the hearts of its
© 2006 Patricia
Patricia Ball, B.A., applies the
following descriptions to herself:
- Research Chemist for 23 years
- BA degree in Biology, Elms College
- Recent graduate of Institute of Children’s Literature
- Wife and Mother of two
- Published Poet/Writer
- Enjoy composing music, art, writing,
reading - Interested in Metaphysics, Psychology
and Science - Enjoy traveling: USA, Canada and Europe