Annie’s Baby

Full Title: Annie's Baby: The Diary of Anonymous, a Pregnant Teenager
Author / Editor: Beatrice Sparks
Publisher: Avon, 1998
Review © Metapsychology Vol. 9, No. 39
Reviewer: Amy Ridley
Annie is a fourteen-year-old eighth-grader desperate
for attention. Unfortunately for her,
she grabs the attention of older football player Danny. She is flattered that someone as popular and
cool would show interest in her. The
relationship, which she initially hides from her mother, deteriorates quickly
and becomes the classic abusive relationship.
Annie’s father is not around anymore and it is evident to the reader
that she misses his everyday presence in her life. Her mother has won teacher of the year honors but seems to be
unaware of her daughter’s needs.
The book is written in diary format, allowing the
reader into Annie’s thoughts, which can be frustrating for the reader. As Danny becomes more abusive, Annie makes
more excuses. Once she realizes that she is pregnant, the frustration as a
reader increases. It is heartbreaking
to read her rationalizing his violence towards her. The entries are scattered like any teenager’s diary would be, but
her observations are well beyond her years.
Annie’s loneliness and confusion during her pregnancy is especially
heartbreaking. The reader goes from
feeling angry towards Annie for not protecting herself, to feeling grief for
her when she longs to do normal things with her friends.
Annie faces some gut wrenching choices that she
knows may be wrong. The format makes it
very relatable for teens while adults reading this will remember how important
it was to feel special at this age but can see the mistakes that Annie is
© 2005 Amy Ridley
Amy Ridley
received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology from Boston University.
Categories: Children