Awakening Self-Esteem

Full Title: Awakening Self-Esteem: Spiritual and Psychological Techniques to Enhance Your Well-Being
Author / Editor: Christine Maguth Nezu and Arthur M. Nezu
Publisher: New Harbinger Publications, 2004
Review © Metapsychology Vol. 9, No. 16
Reviewer: Dick C.
The purpose and intent of this
book is present the issues of self esteem or lack thereof as a clinical and
practical avenue of life changing possibilities. The follow on to a full
measure of self-esteem by most people is a spiritual or life changing awareness
within their own lives. The book chronicles and maps this journey quite well.
Most addicted people that have been
in some sort of 12 Step program will make these
Discoveries as an eventuality.
Generally this will occur somewhere within the second or third stage recovery
time frame. The recovering folks that make it to this point seem to be in firm
position for the balance of their recovering lives. This seems to be driven by
a full measure of self-esteem, (Lack of Self Doubt), and a full spiritual
This book is well written and gives
positive direction to folks who have not been in a long-term recovery program.
Perhaps leading near normal lives but feeling the emptiness that accompanies
spiritual fulfillment.
Hardly any adult that has been
raised by parents from the “Depression Era” has the satisfaction of a full
measure of self-esteem. It just cannot be and did not happen. Thus
Adjunctive therapy is required to
go back and claim the self-esteem issues that are missing. This book does an
excellent job of providing the keys to that journey.
Many people who seek a spiritual
fullness do not and will not embrace a “Bricks and Mortar” religion. Most are
repulsed by those thoughts. This book does an excellent job of guiding an
individual to spiritual fullness without the requirement of organized religion.
You can if you wish have that, however, as accurately related in the book, it
is not required.
This reviewer has found spiritual
fullness to be the most pleasant aspect of the total recovery process. The
awareness that you have a daily and full contact with your choice of your
higher power is forever rewarding and comfortable.
This reviewer recommends this book
as a very good read for all persons. If you have your self-esteem and spiritual
fullness this book will affirm to you what you already know.
If you are seeking this part of
life’s most pleasant experience it will guide you to it.
Make no mistake. The work is yours
to do. The book will tell you how to do it.
You have the rest of you life to
achieve spiritual fullness. This is a very good beginning.
© 2005 Dick C
Dick C is a retired business
executive. He is himself a recovering alcoholic with twenty years of continuous
sobriety. During this time Dick C has spent much of his time in the process of
helping others. At one time he was an elected Delegate in the recovery
movement. He writes under a pen name to maintain his anonymity. This is a very
important part of the overall recovery process. Dick C currently has three
published books on the subject of recovery. They are written from the
perspective of the addict as opposed to an observer.
Categories: SelfHelp