Be Honest–You’re Not That Into Him Either

Full Title: Be Honest--You're Not That Into Him Either: Raise Your Standards and Reach for the Love You Deserve
Author / Editor: Ian Kerner
Publisher: ReganBooks, 2005
Review © Metapsychology Vol. 10, No. 13
Reviewer: Dana Vigilante
From the forward written by female
author Amy Sohn (author of The Modern Girl’s Guide to
Life), to the conclusion written by Ian’s wife Lisa, this book is a predictably
honest and direct look at the way females go after crap worthy guys that they
really aren’t all that interested in to start with.
The forward alone was enough to
remind me of one particularly rude ex-colleague that I started conversing with
shortly after I cancelled my wedding. As a matter of fact, I could have
written the forward myself, there were so many similarities to my own life in
it. To say that this guy was rude would be a compliment to him. However, the
ruder he was, the more I was into him. Why? Well, in addition to being
vulnerable, I can only surmise that somewhere along the way I dropped my pride
and forgot to pick it up. I won’t embarrass myself any further by divulging
any details of that mess, but suffice it to say, the guy was a first class
dick. As the forward of this book mentions, these are the kind of guys that
(once we wake up), make us realize what we don’t want in a
relationship. I literally woke up one morning and realized that I could no
longer justify his behavior, or why I was so willing to put up with it. I finally
sent him a thank you note, via email, basically thanking him for being so
obnoxious and showing me all of the qualities I wasn’t looking for in a
partner. Hitting that Send button was one of the most liberating things I had
ever done. It was sort of like cleaning all of the crap out of your closet so
you can make room for lots of brand spanking new things. Unfortunately, some
women never wake up. Instead they choose to put up with the crap that the men they
are dating put them through. Why? Because there isn’t anyone better to date,
according to them. This book can be used in two totally different ways to wake
women up. First, any woman putting up with a guy who treats her less than stellar
needs to read this book from start to finish. If she doesn’t feel that she
needs to read this book, yet is totally aware that she’s dating a dick, then
she should hand it over to one of her friends who should smack her over the
head with it and knock some sense into her.
This book is a direct look at the
way men treat women and why women would ever want to put up with that type of
behavior. The author touches on subjects such as women wanting to date like
men (no strings attached sex), to the men who are really not all that into the
women they are currently seeing. With input from women in their 30’s and 40’s
as well as men, this book opens the doors and sheds some light on why women are
so willing to take crap instead of choosing to be alone. The kicker here is
that once all the cards are on the table, the women interviewed finally fess up
to the fact that they really aren’t all that into these guys to start with. It
seems that the thrill of the chase is important to women, as well. To me, it’s
kind of like eyeing that pair of Manolo’s in Neiman’s for weeks on end.
Finally, you have the extra $600.00 to spend on them, but guess what? Once you
realize you can actually have them, they really aren’t so hot anymore! Read
this book, ladies!
Ian’s wife Lisa writes the
conclusion of this book, in which she states that she dated a lot of Chippies
(i.e. "dicks"), before she stopped wasting valuable time with Mr.
Maybe and opened her heart up to meeting Mr. Right. Good advice and before she
knew it, she landed herself a swell husband!
Although this is a predictable book
filled with information that all self-respecting women should live by, there
are still a lot of women out there who definitely need to read this. Buy it,
read it, and pass it on to any of your girlfriends who are currently involved
with a Chippie. This is a humorous, light read, written with carefree candor
and honesty. I’ve already passed it on to a friend who can definitely benefit
from it.
© 2006 Dana
Vigilante is a hospice educator as well as an advocate for proper end-of-life
care and a certified bereavement group facilitator. Currently writing a book
based on interviews with terminally ill hospice patients, she divides her time
between New Jersey and San Francisco.
Categories: Relationships, SelfHelp