Bending Over Backwards

Full Title: Bending Over Backwards: Essays on Disability and the Body
Author / Editor: Lennard J. Davis
Publisher: New York University Press, 2002
Review © Metapsychology Vol. 7, No. 45
Reviewer: Jaimie P. Beven
Readers who are
unfamiliar with the concepts associated with modernism and postmodernism will
find Davis’ arguments around the
idea of dismodernism difficult. I certainly did, although I must say the
effort was worth it. Davis
presents his works with clarity and helps the reader to ‘keep up’ with him
through the use of practical and clear everyday examples. He discusses the
role of protective legislation with authority, although his political position
on this matter is clear. This doesn’t detract from the book, rather, as a
reader I found myself able to relate to the author’s honesty.
There is an
abundance of ideas in the text. If you are expecting a book that takes an idea
and develops this throughout the text, then you will be in for a surprise.
Davis, himself, talks about this text as a collection of papers. This is an
accurate description, although the underlying theme is disability and
disability studies. Some sections of the book do leave the reader wondering about
relevance to the general theme (for example the discussion of Jan Svilt, a
homosexual eighteenth century sailor). Granted I may have missed the point and
subtlety tends to allude me, but I kept looking for some reference to
disability. Frustrations about Jan aside, I found the book compelling.
I particularly
enjoyed chapter 8, which provided an insightful discussion of hate crimes
against the disabled. The chapter begins with a recap of the James Byrd Jr.,
case in 1999. Davis informs his reader that not only was Byrd African American
he was also disabled. What ensues is a discussion of the relative importance
given to issues of race in relation to hate crimes and the relative unimportance
of disability. However, the evidence that Davis provides to illustrate the
level of abuse against disabled individuals is nothing short of disturbing.
The way in which
society deals with disability has changed over time, according to Davis, and
reflects to some level the necessity for individuals to function as workers in
an industrial society. Consumerism contributes towards the perception of an
ideal body, but Davis argues that all bodies are inherently flawed. We are all
flawed in some way and the ideal body is one that no one will achieve. Sorry
Don’t think that
this text is about the desperate and unchangeable status of the disabled.
Davis provides plenty of hope for change, and suggestions for facilitating that
change. Disabled individuals have so much to offer society and it is this view
that Davis weaves throughout the text. All up, it was a thoroughly enjoyable book
and hopefully we will see more interest in disability studies in the future.
© Jaimie Beven 2003
Jaimie Beven, School of Psychology, Murdoch University, Murdoch Western Australia
Categories: Philosophical, Ethics