Best Sex Writing 2005

Full Title: Best Sex Writing 2005
Author / Editor: Violet Blue (Editor)
Publisher: Cleis Press, 2005
Review © Metapsychology Vol. 10, No. 4
Reviewer: Tony O'Brien
Edited by the appropriately named Violet Blue, this
collection brings together a diverse range of topics and authors around the
theme of sex. Readers should note that the title is ‘sex writing’, not ‘erotic
writing’. Although there is plenty of eros throughout the book, there is also
plenty that is far from erotic, although the focus is always on sex. The
seventeen chapters range from journalistic pieces to front line descriptions
from the sex industry. Most are first person accounts, so there is a sense of
immediacy about the book. Given the range of contemporary sexual expression the
contents of the book are diverse. Indeed diversity is one of the book’s
strengths. There are accounts of being a porn journalist, visiting the Kinsey
museum, providing what would be politely called ‘member checks’ at a gay night
club, working as a teller in a sperm bank. The collection includes a number of
personal stories about working as a sex worker or porn actor, and there are
tales from the fringes of the sex scene, from the manufacture of sex devices,
to fetish conventions celebrating (and sexualizing) everything from Star Wars
Stormtroopers to characters from Lord of the Rings.
While the standard of writing is generally high, some contributions are
better written than others. Amongst the things Michael Gonzales is fond of are
adjectives and adverbs, and his contribution is replete with words like
‘thrillingly’ and ‘luminous’. But if his prose is purple, the narrative is
strong as he recounts his infatuation with prostitutes, including the one that
got away. Don Rasner’s contribution on Superheroines was probably chosen for
its content, rather than the quality of writing. Rasner outlines the bizarre
world of suoperheroine fantasy, with a bent towards humiliation. By contrast,
Harlyn Aizley’s snappy little short story is nicely written, and could find a
home in many fiction anthologies.
Best Sex Writing covers a wide range of sex-related topics,
so that each chapter engages the reader differently. Shirley Shave gives a
matter of fact account of sex for money. Her name suggests one of her
experiences as she finally leaves the ‘dry land of bad jobs’ to earn some real
money. In the closet with Ken and Barbie (Harlyn
Aizley), in addition to providing the collection’s best individual title,
extends the range of games most girls play with their Ken and Barbie dolls. The
story is also a wry commentary on sibling rivalry. A genuinely moving
description of providing sex education in South Bronx is provided by Ellen
Friedrichs. Where some would be driven to despair by the sense of hopelessness
conveyed by some of her young students, Friedrichs perseveres, well aware that
later in life they are likely to figure in the sorts of scenarios described
elsewhere in the book, and a little education may go a long way to protect them
from its possible consequences. There is even an example of sex-related travel
writing. Arlo Tolesco recounts his visit to the Khajuraho temples of India,
forgotten examples of erotic architecture rediscovered by the British in the 19th
century. Woven throughout Tolesco’s description is a commentary on his
relationship with his partner Anna. The couple explore the erotic potential of
fruit, but not the forbidden variety. I
had always thought James Brown was a sex machine, but in Redwood Park
California there’s a man who makes such a thing in his home-based industry,
taking care to pack everything away before the kids get home from school.
Across America there are other manufacturers of sex machines. Timothy
Archibald’s chapter provides a beginners’ guide.
There is more to this book. Each chapter is a revelation, the sum
adding up to a synopsis of the avante garde in the world of sex. Every chapter
is informative, although whether you need all the information is perhaps a moot
point. The book treats sex seriously, and attempts to dispel some of the myths
perpetrated by the more trivial sex journalism, including the mainstream press.
This is a highly readable and enlightening collection.
2006 Tony O’Brien
Tony O’Brien, M Phil, is a lecturer in mental health nursing at the
University of Auckland, New Zealand:
Categories: Sexuality