Death in the Air

Full Title: Death in the Air: Globalism, Terrorism & Toxic Warfare
Author / Editor: Leonard G. Horowitz
Publisher: Tetrahedron, 2001
Review © Metapsychology Vol. 6, No. 16
Reviewer: Su Terry
Death in the Air: Globalism, Terrorism &
Toxic Warfare by Leonard G. Horowitz had record sales at bookstores this
past Fall (2001). In the aftermath of last year’s anthrax incidents, is it any
wonder that a book about airborne terrorism would spike the market? Death in the Air, however, is not about
foreign terrorism, it is about covert activities by U.S. government agencies
and U.S. based multi-national corporations.
Death in the Air is an intense and very
complex read. The focus of the book is described as presenting “[several]
non-lethal methods of conducting depopulation as a substitute for traditional
warfare to sustain military-based economies….”(p.493) These “non-lethal”
methods are many, varied, and unfortunately more lethal than “non-lethal.” The
beginning chapters of the book focuses upon covert spraying efforts, i.e.,
Malathion, Anvil, and the use of “chemtrails” ostentatiously used for
population control of mosquitoes that might carry the deadly West Nile Virus,
but in actually are directed towards controlling those segments of the
population determined to be “human pests.” The middle section of the book
focuses other population control efforts through vaccination and birth control
programs, the development of Ebola, HIV/AID, Mad Cow disease, and cancer
forming agents. The final section of the book focuses upon the perpetrators of
these acts. These not only include the U.S. Government, but also the Roosevelt
family, “the three Hundred”, the Freemasons, and the Illuminati. The direction
for this depopulation program extends back to a Masonic document entitled “The Protocols
of the Elders of Sion” setting for interest in world domination and control.
The current focus of this project is to remove the “human pests” of the world
by reducing the general population of the world by as much as one-third by the
year 2050.
I picked up Death in the Air hoping to learn more
about the biomedical global terrorism. (At least that was my hope.) I further
hoped to learn more about the history of biological warfare. (Nope!) I even
hope that I might grow in my understanding of anthrax and other target diseases
for biological terrorism. (Nada!) What I read about in Death in the Air is how secret societies are controlling the U.S.
government and using mock medical emergencies such as the anthrax scare of 2001
to convince the world’s population into accepting public health programs such
as vaccinations, birth control, spraying and a host of other interest methods
for improving the health and welfare of the world, but in actuality were
strategic means of depopulation of “undesirables.” The book reads like a science fiction novel describing world
domination by an evil covert organizations ruling through puppet governments
and anesthetizing a population of worker drones. While the book is filled with
photocopies of official looking documents, it reads strangely like conspiracy
theories to me. In fact, Horowitz discusses the conspiracy issue by describing
the process of “numbing” or “anesthetizing” populations through the planned
process of presenting conflicting evidence that eventually leads people into
rejecting both position and adopting one of “no position.” At least, on this I
agree with Horowitz. He presents a well document argument for his position, one
that is in direct opposition of everything that I have been raised to believe
about the U.S. government and the medical profession. I, therefore, am
unwilling to take a position for or against Horowitz’s argument. I am sure he
would deem me as a member of the already “numbed” population. IF even a
percentage of what he writes is true, the American public, if not the global
population, is in big trouble.
is an author and “motivational speakers.” He has a master’s degree in public
health from Harvard University and another in health education from Beacon
College. He has a doctorate from Tufts University (1977) and was awarded a
fellowship in behavioral research at the University of Rochester. He served on
the faculties of Tufts University, Harvard University, and the Leslie College’s
Institute for the Arts and Human Development. Horowitz has published four books
(Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola–
Nature, Accident or Intentional? (1996), Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse (with Dr. Joseph Puleo,
1999), Healing Celebrations (2000)
and Death in the Air (2001)) numerous
articles. Horowitz received the "Author of the Year Award" from the
World Natural Health Organization (1999). Death
in the Air is his latest book.
Death in the Air is adult version of
“fright night.” If in this year of clear and present dangers including
September 11th, terrorist bombings, anthrax, the war in Afghanistan,
and unrest in the Middle East, you, dear reader, cannot find enough to worry
about, Horowitz’s Death in the Air
will work wonders to fill your worry-free nights with nightmares. This book
very well might head up the next venture in the conspiracy theorist genre. I am
not sure that in good conscience, I can recommend this book.
© 2002 Su Terry
Su Terry: Education:
B.A. in History from Sacred Heart University, M.L.S. in Library Science from
Southern Connecticut State College, M.R.S. in Religious Studies/Pastoral
Counseling from Fairfield University, a M.Div. in Professional Ministry from
New Brunswick Theological Seminary, a Certificate in Spirituality/Spiritual
Direction from Sacred Heart University. She is a Licensed Minister of the
United Church of Christ and an Assistant Professor in Library Science at
Dowling College, Long Island, NY. Interests in Mental Health: She is interested
in the interplay between psychology, biology, and mysticism. Her current area
of research is in the impact of hormonal fluctuation in female Christian
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