Eastern Body, Western Mind

Full Title: Eastern Body, Western Mind: Psychology and the Chakra System as a Path to the Self
Author / Editor: Anodea Judith
Publisher: Celestial Arts, 2004
Review © Metapsychology Vol. 10, No. 11
Reviewer: S. V. Swamy
title is rather intriguing and invites the reader who is interested in
exploring his/her self. The author is a trained psychologist with additional
qualifications in health and human services. She is also trained in
bioenergetics, trauma recovery, yoga therapy etc.
book starts with an introductory chapter that deals with human body, mind etc.
and gives an introduction to the seven chakras. Each chakra is then dealt with
in a separate chapter. The layout of the chapter on chakra one is given below:
of Red
the Petals
the Lotus
and Abuses
and Deficiency
the Lotus
similar structure is maintained for all the chapters on the chakras, which are
followed by a concluding chapter.
an imbalance of any one chakra leads to imbalance of the other chakras too, a
tabular presentation
is given in each chapter relating the attributes associated with excess and
deficiency of
chakra in respect of some typical personalities (for example the first chakra
has a table connecting it to the Schizoid Character Structure).
a layman with a good interest in and a moderate exposure to psychology, I found
the author’s discussions of the various examples of personalities and the real
life examples interesting and educational. As an Easterner with some
background, I found her discussion of the chakras accurate. However, I felt
that the attempt at an integration of these two aspects needs some more fine
tuning, especially with respect to the style of presentation. I found the
author’s style rather heavy going at places.
book is rather exhaustive in its approach and is serious reading. Thus it may
be difficult for the prospective buyer to decide whether to go for it or not
after a cursory examination in a bookstore. I would however recommend the book
to those who have a serious interest in the subject.
would have liked to see photographs, not line drawings of different psychological
profiles listed, and I would have also preferred to see some before-and-after
photographs of the same people after chakra work.
the book requires multiple readings to be really understood and appreciated, it
would have been a good idea to go in for hard-bound edition instead of a soft
© 2006 S. V. Swamy
S. V. Swamy, India.
Categories: General