Freaks, Geeks and Asperger Syndrome

Full Title: Freaks, Geeks and Asperger Syndrome: A User Guide to Adolescence
Author / Editor: Luke Jackson
Publisher: Jessica Kingsley, 2002
Review © Metapsychology Vol. 8, No. 18
Reviewer: Kevin Purday
How any thirteen
year old could write such a literate, funny and informative book as this is a
complete mystery to me. Luke Jackson has been diagnosed as having Asperger(‘s)
Syndrome which is a convenient label covering a range of symptoms down the
milder end of the autism spectrum. Some autistic people, ‘savant autistics’,
have amazing skills in music, art, mathematics, etc. Perhaps Luke has been
granted an outstanding skill in writing and is thus himself a ‘savant’.
The book is
explicitly aimed at his fellow adolescents – those who themselves have Asperger
(‘s) Syndrome and those who have to live with a sibling who has this gift, as
Luke calls it. In addition, the author hopes that adults too will read the book
– parents, carers and professionals.
The book starts
with a description of Luke’s family and firmly places him within an
extraordinarily quirky and talented group of people. His sisters, for example,
Rachel, Sarah and Anna, have contributed all the drawings and illustrations in
the book. Luke goes on to give a description of what comes under the heading of
Asperger(‘s) Syndrome and cleverly explains how every one with the condition
has a unique combination of communication, social interaction and imagination
problems although these problems are not so severe as they are for people at
the other end of the autism spectrum. The people with Asperger(‘s) Syndrome are
said to have a form of high functioning autism while those at the opposite end
are said to have low functioning autism. Luke himself was greatly relieved when
he was diagnosed with Asperger(‘s) Syndrome and found the diagnosis a signpost
which helped him accept himself and pointed him in the right direction. He hopes
that his book might be of some use to others in helping them to understand and
accept themselves. It also means that other people cease to regard as a freak
anyone who has been diagnosed with Asperger(‘s) Syndrome.
The book goes on
to deal with ten aspects of life for someone who has this gift. First comes a
chapter on obsessive behaviour. It is quite normal for people to collect things
or have a particular interest is something but people with Asperger(‘s)
Syndrome tend to get fixated on or obsessed with things. Some obsessions may be
long-lasting while others are temporary. Luke points out that a strong
interest, in computing for example, may actually lead to rewarding career.
Secondly, there is a chapter on the sensory disorders that may accompany Asperger(‘s)
Syndrome. Touch, sound, sight, smell and taste may be problem areas since many
people with the diagnosis are extremely sensitive in one or more. Luke also
hints at the possibility of a form of synaesthesia when he talks about the
senses being "all in a jumble". (p.75) Thirdly, there comes a section
on physiological differences and especially dietary problems. It must be very
reassuring for everyone concerned to know that Asperger(‘s) Syndrome seems to
come as part of a package deal which tends to include one or more of a wide
range of allergies and minor physical problems. Sometimes the allergies are so
severe as to be regarded as a direct cause of the autistic state – Allergy
induced Autism. One commonly found allergy is dietary – the allergy to gluten
and casein. Luke not only covers this problem but gives the reader references
to further books about both this allergy and all the other aspects of Asperger(‘s)
Syndrome in an excellent bibliography along with addresses of various support
organisations and websites of a wide range of institutions across the world.
Fourthly, there is a chapter on sleep. Going to sleep and staying asleep are
both frequently encountered problems. Luke links these problems with other
aspects of the condition: sensitivity to sound and light, stress and the
inability to relax, the need for a fair degree of pressure on the body, etc.
Fifthly, Luke has an enlightening section on language – both body and verbal
language. This chapter is reminiscent of Mark Haddon’s The Curious Incident
of the Dog in the Night-Time (David Fickling Books, Oxford and New
York , 2003), a work of fiction where the narrator is
a boy with Asperger(‘s) Syndrome called Christopher John Francis Boone.
Christopher finds it extremely difficult to decipher the complexities of
language and takes everything literally. Luke finds the same problem and
beautifully analyses it, looking at the complexities of interpreting facial
expression and the difficulties of understanding metaphorical language. Luke
has not only managed to master the understanding of metaphors but he now
positively delights in them, deliberately scatters them throughout the book and
has a key to them as an appendix to help young people with Asperger(‘s)
Syndrome who might read the book. He also has very practical advice for
parents, teachers and others who have to deal with such young people: always
use clear, explicit and unambiguous language avoiding all similes and metaphors
whenever possible. Sixthly, there is a very down-to-earth chapter on schooling.
This covers most of the problems that are going to be encountered by someone
with Asperger(‘s) Syndrome: reading problems ranging from precociously early
reading (hyperlexia) through to dyslexia; writing problems; arithmetic problems
again covering the spectrum from precocity through to difficulties with
numeracy; homework; physical education; etc. The seventh chapter has strong
links with Luke’s comments on physical education which is a problem for most
people having Asperger(‘s) Syndrome because they generally do not like having
their personal space invaded, because they are frequently clumsy and suffer
from aspects of dyspraxia and, lastly, because they frequently see no point in
the game being played. These factors tend to make them outsiders and prone to
being bullied. Physical Education teachers are asked to be aware that team
games are not the only form of exercise. Teachers in general are asked to be on
the lookout for bullying which can frequently be directed at students having Asperger(‘s)
Syndrome. The eighth chapter follows straight on from those on school and
bullying. Luke found that Taekwondo did wonders for his self-confidence and was
a positive antidote for his clumsiness. It also helped him to stand up for
himself in bullying situations so Luke definitely recommends the martial arts.
The ninth and tenth sections are about social life. The former is made up of
practical advice about friendship in general while the latter is about dating
and contains a host of practical hints about how to make a success of boy-girl
So much for the
ten lifestyle chapters. The book ends with two sections on moral principles
such as to have Asperger(‘s) Syndrome is to be different and "different
is cool". (p.185). Luke’s love of metaphors blossoms at the very end of
the book: "Believe in yourself, keep your nose to the grindstone and your
head above water. If you find yourself sinking then stop, take a breather and
remember, it isn’t over until the fat lady sings!" (p.191).
This book is a must
for those young people diagnosed as having Asperger(‘s) Syndrome, those who
think that they may have it, their parents and their teachers. The Special
Needs department in every school needs to have a copy both for the students and
the staff to read. It is brilliant to have such a book written by someone on
the inside. The insights are all the more illuminating for us on the outside.
© 2004
Kevin Purday
Purday is Head of the Cambridge International High
School and is currently a
distance-learning student on the Philosophy & Ethics of Mental Health
course in the Philosophy Dept. at the University of Warwick.
Categories: ChildhoodDisorders, SelfHelp