Hot Chocolate for the Mystical Lover

Full Title: Hot Chocolate for the Mystical Lover: 101 True Stories of Soul Mates Brought Together by Divine Intervention
Author / Editor: Arielle Ford (editor)
Publisher: Plume, 2001
Review © Metapsychology Vol. 5, No. 32
Reviewer: Susan Wingate
Posted: 8/10/2001
“Through the hearts, minds and souls of men and women searching for that one true love, we experience the extraordinary power of the divine in our everyday lives. Filled with an uplifting and inspiring message, it is a book for all of those who believe that an unseen loving presence watches over us.” This book is a collection of stories told by various men and women having made that connection with someone so special and deep, it can only be explained on a heart and soul level. This book is about meeting the inevitable person you are destined to live and love, drawing that person to you and/or placing your trust in a “divine” realm where miracles are common place.
Deepak Chopra, renowned as one of the world’s leading “Spiritualist” and advisor not only endorses the material in this book, also lends his own insights and knowledge of the concepts of “soul mates”. By defining “soul”, Chopra lays a wonderful foundation for the author to build on.
This is a multi-layered book of mysticism, religious beliefs, values and insight into seeing the how, what and why we find ourselves in various types of relationships. Accordingly, we are all destined to take a journey to find meaning and purpose to true intimacy. I applaud Ford for bringing together so many diverse people and through their personal stories, all seem to achieve the desired goal of finding their “soul mate”. This alone lends enormous credibility to the author’s talents as a writer. To find that special someone, lover of the heart, and destined partner is truly a time to celebrate.
I am quite impressed with her ability to make the material easy to read and the concepts of finding that “one” special person seem so obtainable. From page one to the end, the presentation of the text leaves the reader little to misunderstand about the information. Telling her own personal story of finding her “soul mate” sets a tone of a wholesome comfortable “down to earth” feeling for the reader and anticipation for the rest of the book.
I would recommend this book to all audiences capable of understanding the concepts and meaning of having a “soul mate” as well as to anyone wanting to learn more about it. These stories are written from the many, many travelers reaching into realms of what is seen and unseen. I hope you enjoy this book as much as I did.
© 2001 Susan Wingate
Susan Wingate is currently working in personnel management at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina. She has worked for twelve years as a chemical dependency counselor for adolescents, as well as having worked with survivors of domestic violence and sexual abuse. Her passion is to be a vehicle for creating awareness for self and others.
Categories: General, Relationships