How to Make Great Love to a Man

Full Title: How to Make Great Love to a Man
Author / Editor: Phillip Hodson and Anne Hooper
Publisher: Warner Books, 2002
Review © Metapsychology Vol. 8, No. 24
Reviewer: Christian Perring, Ph.D.
This self-help book is written
clearly and seems to contain sensible advice. It starts off with some general
observations about male and female psychology, and warns against making any
broad generalizations about men and women. The authors point out that there is
more variation within each sex than there is between the sexes, and most
psychological surveys show that there are no major differences between the
sexes. Oddly enough, they go on to make broad generalizations about the
differences between men and women, presumably expecting readers to interpret
these with the understanding that they are only approximately true. The book
includes many panels and boxes with case histories of particular people, advice
and short summaries of ideas that make the pages more visually interesting and
make it easier to get information quickly. Their information is based on
scientific studies although they don’t provide any detailed references or
The book moves on to discussing
dating and romance and the initial sex that goes along with that. The next
chapter is on long term relationships and the dynamics that are special to
them. It briefly addresses the issue of low and no sex relationships and
whether this is a problem. Following this is a chapter dealing with specific
sexual problems suffered by men, viz., impotence, premature ejaculation and
retarded ejaculation. It provides a number of ways and exercises to address
those problems. A different sort of problem is lack of sex drive, to which the
authors devote a whole chapter. They also suggest a number of ways to increase
The remaining chapters of the book
address ways to improve a normal sex life. One chapter has a plan for seven
nights of love, accompanied by some nude photographs and more explicit
drawings. Other chapters include discussion of masturbation, fantasy, and
different kinds of sexual activity.
How to Make Great Love to a Man is aimed at
heterosexual men and women who are looking for non-judgmental discussion of
sexuality in a straightforward and helpful way. It does not go into great
detail concerning any particular topic and it doesn’t have any particular agenda.
Some might find it rather bland and obvious, but sometimes it can be helpful to
have a book like that, especially if one wants to use it to bring up issues
with a partner in a non-confrontational manner.
© 2004 Christian
Perring. All rights reserved.
Perring, Ph.D., is Academic Chair of the Arts & Humanities
Division and Chair of the Philosophy Department at Dowling College, Long Island. He is also
editor of Metapsychology Online Review. His main research is on
philosophical issues in medicine, psychiatry and psychology.
Categories: Sexuality, SelfHelp