No Right Turn

Full Title: No Right Turn
Author / Editor: Terry Trueman
Publisher: HarperTeen, 2006

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Review © Metapsychology Vol. 10, No. 46
Reviewer: Amy Ridley

father died three years ago and Jordan still refuses to talk about it with anyone.
He has secluded himself from most of his friends. He wants to feel invisible
and alone and appears to be doing a great job of disappearing from his life.

mother begins dating their neighbor who has a beautiful Corvette that stirs
more emotions in Jordan than he’s felt since his dad’s death. The car gives
Jordan an identity at school that he’s never felt before. All of a sudden he’s
the mysterious kid with the sweet car. He also catches the attention of Becka,
the hottest girl in school

Trueman keeps the characters few and focuses on Jordan’s relationship with the
car. His anger towards his dad is raw and very realistic for a teen who can’t
help but think his dad abandoned him. Jordan’s relationship with his mom and
her boyfriend Don are thoughtfully written. Don could have become an
antagonist, but Trueman wisely chose to make him Jordan’s ally. Jordan’s
relationship with Becka demonstrates his insecurities, and leads him to realize
he is not the loser he thinks he is. A tough topic to read about is broken up
by Jordan’s amusing conversations with his best friend Wally. The use of the
Corvette as Jordan’s outlet for anger is unique and adds to the story.


© 2006 Amy Ridley


Amy Ridley
received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology from Boston University.

Categories: Children