Out of Bounds

Full Title: Out of Bounds: Seven Stories of Conflict and Hope
Author / Editor: Beverley Naidoo
Publisher: Puffin Books, 2003
Review © Metapsychology Vol. 9, No. 29
Reviewer: Susan Wingate
the end of the twentieth century, history was turned upside down. The
oppressors opened their prison doors and sat down with those they had
oppressed…. They exchanged words instead of bullets."
Seven decades of
history, personal stories and undeniable perseverance and courage. In the
foreword written by Archbishop Desmond Mpilo Tutu, he states "instead of
revenge and retribution, the world marveled as those who had been made to
suffer so much and so needlessly as the victims of the vicious policy of
apartheid, revealed a remarkable magnanimity and generosity of spirit in their
willingness to forgive their tormentors and oppressors…"
is one of the most incredible books I have had the pleasure to read in a long
time. Each story carries it’s own message and the characters make sure the
reader feels the lessons imparted in the conflicts endured. "Veronica"
takes the reader down memory lane of the childish game of "dare" only
for "Veronica", it becomes much more. "Jacob’s" birthday is
shadowed with the realities of the "ladder in life". "Lily"
endures the confusing and complicated politics of the times, cloaked in the
subtleness of friendship. "Nandi" is introduced to the bonds and of
loyalty of not just family but to claiming birthrights. "Esi" fixated
on a tool of destruction that turns out to be the symbol of his freedom. "Rosa"
finds strength and courage to step up and step out at a time when doing so
could have cost lives. "Rohan" learns that walls can trap in fear and
ignorance while as serving as protection.
would recommend this book be introduced from middle school to high school
curricula. It would be a great addition to the required reading list for
history, sociology, and literature courses at college level. The author might
consider presenting this book to the theater community and collaborate efforts
to make the words come alive on stage. Out of Bounds carries important
messages for all ages.
© 2005 Susan Wingate
Wingate is currently working for the Department of Corrections of North
Carolina in the capacity of Program Supervisor for Substance Abuse Treatment,
in a maximum security prison for women.
Categories: Children