Overcoming Obsessive Thoughts

Full Title: Overcoming Obsessive Thoughts: How to Gain Control of Your OCD
Author / Editor: Christine Purdon and David A. Clark
Publisher: New Harbinger, 2005

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Review © Metapsychology Vol. 10, No. 42
Reviewer: Leo Uzych, J.D., M.P.H.

Overcoming Obsessive Thoughts
is structured as a self-help book, for readers seeking to overcome the tyranny
of obsessive thoughts.  The book is crafted artfully by a duo of distinguished
authors, who have been immersed, researchwise and clinically, in the choppy
waters of obsessive-compulsive disorder for over a decade.  Coauthor Purdon is
an Associate Professor of Psychology at the University of Waterloo, in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada; and coauthor Clark is a Professor of Psychology at the University of New Brunswick, in Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada.  Over the course of this
relatively terse primer, Purdon and Clark prove to be highly adept
craftspersons with respect to creating a fairly detailed road map for
navigating the treacherous labyrinth of obsessional thinking.  Particularly for
readers tormented by obsessive thoughts, the copious information proffered by
the book may have immense practical value concerning the overcoming of their

 The starting point of
Purdon and Clark is that person without obsessive-compulsive disorder
importantly differ from those with obsessive-compulsive disorder because those
successfully eluding obsessive-compulsive disorder are able to ignore
obsessional, and otherwise distressing, thoughts, without having to resort to
problematic coping strategies. An integral structural component
of the book’s intended self-help value, for readers plagued by obsessional
thinking, is the numerous exercises (or so-called "focus exercises")
populating the book.  These exercises intellectually challenge readers to work
hard, if they wish to successfully exorcise their obsessional demons.  Generally,
regarding these exercises, readers are instructed to do some
intellectually-oriented task, tethered, in some fashion, to obsessional
thinking.  With principal reliance on this structural mechanism, Purdon and
Clark, in an understandable, useful way, seek to illumine a path which may
helpfully lead to a better quality of life for persons afflicted with obsessive
thoughts.  A dose of anecdotal-type material, injected into the textual body,
provides a further source of support for the structural foundation.  The structural
configuration encompasses a modest number of references.  Stylistically, the
book is penned with a slant steeply towards layreaders.

 Psychological theories impinging
on obsessive-compulsive disorder are variant in nature.  Purdon and Clark
explain, in Chapter One, that the book employs a treatment approach called: cognitive
behavioral therapy.  Bedrock components embedded in the cognitive behavioral
model are further broached in Chapter Three.  The core focus of the book, as
explicated in Chapter Two, is on "repugnant" obsessions, that are
thematically violent or harmful, sexual, or religious.  The crux of the
exercises presented in Chapter Four is to help the reader better understand the
behavioral and cognitive aspects of the reader’s symptoms of obsessive-compulsive
disorder.  In Chapter Five, the chief focus is on helping readers contemplate
why their symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder may persist.  The cardinal
emphasis of Chapter Six is on assisting readers with respect to identifying and
overcoming obstacles otherwise impeding relief from their obsessions.  A review
of the paradox of mental control is eyed perspicaciously through the discerning
lens, of Purdon and Clark, in Chapter Seven.  As explained by Purdon and Clark,
mental control is paradoxical in the sense that the harder people try to
control a thought, the more difficulty they may have with it.  Violent,
harmful, and sexual obsessions are the cynosure of Chapter Eight, whereas
religious obsessions garner the rapt attention, of Purdon and Clark, in Chapter
Nine.  In order to promote long-term healing, concerning obsessional thinking,
Purdon and Clark advocate the phasing out of coping strategies; this
philosophic approach is the cornerstone of Chapter Ten.  In the last chapter,
Purdon and Clark comment succinctly on strategies for maintaining gains, with
respect to overcoming obsessive thoughts.

To their very considerable credit,
Purdon and Clark have carefully constructed a multitude of exercises designed
to help readers overcome obsessive thoughts.  These exercises, in fact, are the
keystone of the book.  But critics may be concerned that professionally
untrained layreaders may potentially fail to properly carry out the mechanics
of various exercises, and that layreaders may possibly interpret the resultant
findings in a faulty manner.  Furthermore, to the extent that obsessed
layreaders may fail to accurately do, and interpret, the exercises prescribed
by Purdon and Clark, the book’s self-help value may be severely weakened.

With the important caveat that the possibility
may exist that the book’s contents may be misused unwittingly by layreaders
with symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder in a way not consistent with the
restoration of their well-being, the book is recommended highly to all persons
suffering from obsessive thoughts.  Spiritual counselors, family doctors, and
mental health professionals, including psychologists, psychiatrists, and
psychotherapists, should, as well, be edified, greatly, by the book’s absorbing


© 2006 Leo Uzych


Leo Uzych (based in Wallingford, PA) earned a law degree, from Temple University; and a master of public
health degree, from Columbia University. His area of special professional
interest is healthcare.

Categories: SelfHelp