Panic at Toad Hall

Full Title: Panic at Toad Hall: The Wind in the Willows Volume 4
Author / Editor: Kenneth Grahame and Michel Plessix
Publisher: NBM Publishing, 2002

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Review © Metapsychology Vol. 6, No. 21
Reviewer: Christian Perring, Ph.D.

artwork for this book is wonderful – it suits the subject matter very well, and
it extremely lively and fun. However, the
story will be quite hard to follow unless you have already read the previous 3
volumes in this series, or you have read Kenneth Grahame’s original book. Furthermore, the book is translated from the
French, rather than using Grahame’s own words, and the translation is not
entirely smooth. For example, “Toad was
shivering. He heard his teeth
clattering in a diabolic rhythm.” –
this sounds like a rather over-literal version of the French. Nevertheless, the book is interesting enough
for its illustrations alone, and is certainly worth a look.


Categories: ArtAndPhotography, Children