Raising Kids in an Age of Terror

Full Title: Raising Kids in an Age of Terror: A Father's Strategy on the War on Terror
Author / Editor: C. Brian Silver
Publisher: Writers Club Press, 2003
Review © Metapsychology Vol. 7, No. 27
Reviewer: Barbara Wright
As a parent, and also as a grandparent, I can
understand the feelings of the author in Raising Kids In An Age Of Terror. Even though my "kids" are now
grown, I can’t help but still want to help protect them and my
grandchildren. The events of September
11, 2001 brought home to each one of us just how vulnerable we are in the world
today. Not that we didn’t really already
know it, we just refused to think about it or admit it out loud.
The book delves into how our modern world got into
the position where terrorism and suicide bombers have become, to some, an
acceptable way to get their point across.
To the rest of us, it has become a reality that we find we must face
even if we don’t understand how any human being could sink so low. The author gives a good background with lots
of good information on how we have progressed to this point. Different kinds of possible attack are
discussed along with suggestions and tips for ways to protect yourself and your
Silver goes beyond just helping us prepare for
possible attack, he prods us into becoming active citizens. To make our vote, our life, our time, and
our resources count for something positive in and to the world. This section on citizen action, along with
the section on how to help children cope with this type of situation, really
makes this book special. There are a
tremendous amount of references to other helpful materials and web sites. Also, there are specific and detailed ideas
on such things as disaster supply kits, disaster planning, emergency
communications, and even a first aid primer.
All in all it is an excellent resource for anyone
with questions on how to help children cope or how to prepare for different
types of disaster. The book is well
written and the presentation is excellent.
If you are in the market for a book of this type, this one should be on
your "to buy" list.
© 2003 Barbara Wright
Wright is a former Director of Human Resources with Master’s Degrees in
Human Resource Planning and in Organizational Behavior. The last 15
years of experience have been in the
Telecommunications Industry. She has a wide variety of reading
interests and is a member of Reviews International Organization
Categories: Relationships, SelfHelp