
Full Title: Raptors: Vol 3
Author / Editor: Enrico Marini and Jean Dufaux
Publisher: NBM Publications, 2001


Review © Metapsychology Vol. 6, No. 5
Reviewer: Christian Perring

This third installment of a story about vampires versus
humans in a fictional future was released in France last year and is available
in this good translation very soon after in the USA. I have not read the first two parts of this series, and I found
it quite difficult to work out what exactly was going on. It would be helpful to have the plot so far
summarized at the start of the story. 
But it’s really the graphics that is the strength of Raptors III;
it is set mostly in New York City and the combination of nighttime gothic
scenes with bedroom erotica is effective. 
The story includes plenty of corny sorcery, and the graphics, while
powerful, are very much within a genre rather than pushing the genre to its
limits. There’s nothing particularly
thoughtful or surprising about the book, but it is done proficiently and with
nice use of color.


page at NBM Publications

French site for Raptors

See the original
French version at Amazon.fr

Categories: ArtAndPhotography, Fiction