Sexual Ecstasy

Full Title: Sexual Ecstasy: The Art of Orgasm
Author / Editor: Margot Anand
Publisher: J P Tarcher, 2000
Review © Metapsychology Vol. 5, No. 51
Reviewer: Susan K. Wingate
Also author to The Art of Sexual Ecstasy and The Art
of Sexual Magic, Margot Anand brings to us an illustrated
step by step guide to personally defining, creating and experiencing
orgasms. She states very clearly in the beginning pages that “the
purpose of this book is to educate”. She goes even further
to “Warn” potential readers against using this book
as “medical or psychological therapy”.
Ms. Anand presents her concept of “Multi-Orgasmic Response
(MORE) training to enable the readers and their partners, be it
spouse, lover, or self, to develop skills in becoming a better
lover. Along with very explicit text, are illustrations of male
and female genitalia to include specific techniques, she presents
the “Five Virtues” developed through MORE training.
This is truly a multi-faceted book in which readers have the potential
to not only learn more about their own bodies but also that of
their lover. Ms. Anand does a wonderful job in presenting the
information in a very “user friendly” format that doesn’t
leave room for misunderstanding the concepts of her training.
She “blends” together both the physical and Spiritual
nature of pleasure in a way that invites all to learn.
Sexual Ecstasy is a instruction book. While it is suggested
you “practice” some of the exercises in this book with
a partner, it is presented in such a way that the information
is just as valuable to the “single” reader. It is a
book that empowers the reader and/or practitioner to take charge
of his/her own body both physically and verbally. Breaking through
childhood “taboos” and societal norms can be difficult,
however, once again, Ms. Anand’s work makes it easy for the reader/practitioner
to give themselves “permission,” through the guidelines
and suggestions she gives in exploring perceptions and communication
skills. Her material invites all to allow their Spirit to lead
with the understanding that the Body will follow, in order to
experience a greater sense of pleasure, connection and intimacy
with Love.
I would highly recommend this book to anyone. It is a work of
art. It is the type of book you will want to keep as a reference
guide and something you would definitely want to share with your
lover. Its an easy read and easy to store near or on a bedside
table. I would recommend this book to be used as a supplemental
text for classes in Health and Sexuality.
© 2001 Susan K. Wingate
Susan Wingate is currently working in personnel management at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina. She has worked for twelve years as a chemical dependency counselor for adolescents, as well as having worked with survivors of domestic violence and sexual abuse. Her passion is to be a vehicle for creating awareness for self and others.
Categories: Sexuality
Tags: Sexual Problems