Spiritually Healing the Indigo Children (and Adult Indigos, Too!)

Full Title: Spiritually Healing the Indigo Children (and Adult Indigos, Too!): The Practical Guide and Handbook
Author / Editor: Wayne Dosick and Ellen Kaufman
Publisher: Jodere Group, 2004

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Review © Metapsychology Vol. 9, No. 17
Reviewer: Shelly Marshall, B.S., CSAC

According to the authors over 80% of the
children now born are Indigos and many of the parents and adults who pick up
this book are Indigos too. Who and what are Indigos? Apparently there is a
realm in the heavens, the highest realm, where old and wise souls live. They
are now incarnating into the world to help us into a new and advanced age. They
come in perfection, bathing in the light from their recent closeness to God.

But there’s a problem with this lovely picture
and it’s us.  It’s earth. It’s the evil forces and the way we’ve messed things
up down here.  These wise old souls are wounded and hurt comparing the life
they had with a loving God figure and life on earth with how we’ve blown it.
The contrast pierces these precious little souls; on the inside they retain
their purity, all that is right and good and on the outside they experience all
that is wrong and evil.  And so they become troublemakers; they disrupt
families, they are called ADD, ODD, and ADHD; and we are told in this book that
they are not the trouble. Indeed, it is the world that is out of whack.

And so the authors have been guided by Guidance;
(who else) to bring healing to the Indigos with a series of word/ritual games.
We are told that these troublemakers are magnificent beings that their
troublemaking is not their fault and that we must feel their pain and find a
way to make these light beings comfortable in the world.  And thus comes my

Have we not heard this argument before? In our
present my-childhood-made-me-do-it society, nobody who acts out; even when
killing and raping, are responsible for their own actions. Aren’t they just all
victims of a bad upbringing and a selfish greedy culture?  This is an argument
where the bad guys are misunderstood and the ones trying to help are to be
blamed for not creating a better world.

 But wait, I thought the Indigos were coming
here to help us because they are advanced spiritual beings; with a spiritual
connection to God; But in order to help us, we must help them first? What is
wrong with this picture? I have little patience with well-meaning individuals
who blame everyone but the one causing trouble. If these kids are so close to
the divine source, they would already be at peace, not causing more trouble for
a troubled world. If they are so close to God, so spiritually advanced, then
why are we healing them? They should be healing us.

The first section of the book deals with the
definitions and understanding of what’s going on with these divine
troublemakers. And here you will find the 17 YOUMEE games that are designed to
lock in the healings and make them permanent so your Indigo child can take up
his or her rightful place as a disciple from God.

Apparently, there are 17 wounds manifested in
the separation from God that you must heal. In addition, each wound has a
corresponding body part that you will be focused on in the YOUMEE game of
healing. For instance, Anger is centered in the right palm, Fear of being too
small is located in the kidneys, and Despair is triggered by giving up the
breath of God and located in the heart. The 17 YOUMEEs are said to release the
pain and heal the child from the soul memory and cell memory; a kind of vague
cellular bank of maelstrom emotions. You have to follow the script; or rather
ritual, very closely or it won’t work. This is done by creating a sacred space,
performing an energy balance, doing an illumination, reciting an Intention;
then playing the game, reciting a seal of Gratitude, and if your child is one
of the special Platinum Indigos add an extra little ritual at the end.

Interestingly, if this doesn’t work with your
child (i.e., cure what ails them), then he or she is probably not an Indigo.
There is no study on the effects of these YOUMEEs because no one would give
them the money for research. All the proof comes from Guidance and anecdotal

The second section of the book is for the
littlest Indigos from birth to age 7. Apparently Guidance originally forgot
about the little guys and only gave guidance for ages 7 to 17. Gosh, the
parents pleaded for some relief for the little ones and so Guidance relented
and created GraceLight rituals to heal them.

The third section is for Adult Indigos. If you
ever felt that you do not belong here, that those closest to you don’t really
know you, no one understands the real you, you think of yourself as a failure,
you yearn for a place called home, then you might be an Adult Indigo still
carrying the emotional wounds of childhood. The authors write "You try and
try and try to go along and to get along but in your own eyes, almost every
thing you do fails."  Hey, I can see that most of the country’s
penitentiaries are filled with Adult Indigos. Now we know.

Honestly, I wanted to be drawn in. I possess
just enough internal mysticism that the title intrigued me. I would love a
panacea for troubled kids and their parents. Who wouldn’t want to find a cure
for ADD, ADHD, ODD in our kids as well as healing all manner of emotional
challenges, such as depression, anxiety, phobias, rage, fears, schizophrenia,
and bi-polar disorder (and physical ailments) arthritis, asthma, headaches,
digestive disorders, cystic fibrosis, cancer, immune disorders,
seizure disorders, and addictions.

I don’t think married authors Dosick and Dosick
are intentionally trying to con readers. They seem sincere and I believe they
believe in Guidance.  I have my own guidance from a higher source so this
tongue-in-cheek review is not a question of sincerity on their part or
agnosticism on mine. I don’t know what really motivated them to write this book
or work with the oppositional Indigos but my impression is that the YOUMEEs, GraceLight,
and ritual for the adult healing are just the twentieth century enlightened
version of the nineteenth century snake oil for anything that ails you.


© 2005 Shelly Marshall


Shelly Marshall, B.S., CSAC is
an Adolescent Chemical Dependency Specialist and Researcher. You can visit her
sites at www.day-by-day.org and www.YouAreATarget.com

Categories: Relationships, SelfHelp