Teen Angst? Naaah

Full Title: Teen Angst? Naaah: A Quasi-Autobiography
Author / Editor: Ned Vizzini
Publisher: Free Spirit Publishing, 2000
Review © Metapsychology Vol. 7, No. 20
Reviewer: Su Terry
Teen Angst? Naaah: A Quasi-Autobiography
Ned Vizzini is a hilarious romp through the teen years by someone young enough
to still vividly remember how they really were. (Vizzini was only 19-years old
when he published this book!) It is a ROTF LOL (that is "roll on the
floor" "laugh out loud") depiction of modern teen life.
Teen Angst? Naaah: A Quasi-Autobiography
Ned Vizzini beginnings in 1990. Ned is about to begin his freshman year at
Stuyvesant High School (New York City). First, however, he reflects back over
his years in junior high school, his entry test, and the obligatory summer
vacation with his folks. What follows is a chronology of Ned’s thoughts and
activities through his four years at Stuy. Each year is appropriately labeled
"Freshman Year", "Sophomore Year", etc. His experiences are the fodder of the
"universal" American teen nerd — dealing with parents, coping with
younger siblings, trying to get a date, working at one’s first job, going to
the prom, and the eternal attempt to try to impress others but comically
failing, etc.
Vizzini is not exactly the
all-American teenage male. His family live in New York City and are relatively
well off. Vizzini himself is quite bright, obviously talented, and has a wry
sense of humor. Vizzini has learned at a very early age the challenge of
adulthood: the ability to laugh at oneself. He has presented a very believable
portrayal of how teens view interfering younger siblings, preoccupied parents
that are neither as aware or "hip" as they believe, and wide
assortment of fellow teens. As to the veracity of Vizzini’s experiences he
comments as part of his copyright statement, "The events
in these stories are real. Some names have been changed so I don’t get yelled
I must commend Vizzini for this book. He has a
natural gift, a real talent far beyond his educational training and years. His
humorous asides and the cartoon-ish line drawings are a real hoot. He is a
wonderful inspiration for other young people who want to be writers.
Ned Vizzini graduated
from New York City’s Stuyvesant High School in 1999 and currently is attending
Hunter College. He is a freelance writer for the New York Press and Newsday.
(He was the weekly columnist for "Since When?" in the New York Press.) He
published Teen Angst? at the age of
19-years old. His second novel is tentatively entitled Be More Chill is schedule for release in spring 2004.
His website is www.nedvizzini.com
Teen Angst? Naaah: A Quasi-Autobiography
Ned Vizzini is a very funny read. I can hardly wait to see what he will do with
his college experiences. (Ned, hurry up and graduate!) This is a worthwhile
addition to every young adult collection. The book is recommended
for ages 13
and up. I highly recommend this book.
© 2003 Su Terry
Terry: Education: B.A. in History from Sacred Heart University, M.L.S. in
Library Science from Southern Connecticut State College, M.R.S. in Religious
Studies/Pastoral Counseling from Fairfield University, a M.Div. in Professional
Ministry from New Brunswick Theological Seminary, a Certificate in
Spirituality/Spiritual Direction from Sacred Heart University. She is a
Licensed Minister of the United Church of Christ and an Assistant Professor in
Library Science at Dowling College, Long Island, NY. Interests in Mental
Health: She is interested in the interplay between psychology, biology, and
mysticism. Her current area of research is in the impact of hormonal
fluctuation in female Christian mystics.
Categories: Children, SelfHelp