Teen Love

Full Title: Teen Love: A Journal On Relationships
Author / Editor: Kimberly Kirberger and Colin Mortensen
Publisher: Health Communications, 1999

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Review © Metapsychology Vol. 5, No. 7
Reviewer: Ann Newman
Posted: 2/16/2001

Have you ever wondered who you are? Why you do the things you do? Teen Love: A Journal on Relationships will help you connect with the inner self. Journaling your thoughts and relationships will help you see your life from a different angle, providing an avenue to review emotional moments in your life. A second look can help you pinpoint experiences that cause you stress and allow you to rethink how you handled the situation. Regular entries, and review of them, will offer you an opportunity for personal exploration and growth.

Presented for both genders, Kimberly Kirberger and Colin Mortensen guide you through the journaling process from a peer’s perspective to help you discover yourself, the ins and outs of dating, and the ups and downs of friendship. They offer vital insight to help you handle the sometimes-confusing feelings that develop during adolescence. Their wisdom and compassionate approach to relationships will serve as your tools to emotional growth. They cover topics on learning about yourself and self-esteem, falling in love and dealing with the new feelings that go along with a relationship, friends, breaking up and starting over. The compact manual can serve as a sounding board and diary for teens, a resource for parents and those who work with teenagers, and a mental health tool for counselors.

Ann Newman is author of Images of America, Conway, and is founder of the Arkansas Writers Association, a professional organization established to promote the literature and work of Arkansas authors of all mediums.

Categories: General, MentalHealth