The Amnesia Clinic

Full Title: The Amnesia Clinic: A Novel
Author / Editor: James Scudamore
Publisher: Harcourt, 2007
Review © Metapsychology Vol. 11, No. 36
Reviewer: Amy Ridley
Anthony, who goes by the nickname Anti, befriends the outgoing Fabian when his parents move their family to Ecuador from their native England. Fabian is all the things that Anti is not. Fabian is daring and outspoken while Anti is quiet and frail. Anti lives with his politically motivated parents in the ex-pat community while Fabian lives outside the city, being chauffeured to school by his uncle Suarez bodyguard. Anti spends many weekends at Uncle Suarez house, listening to extravagant stories that never seem to explain Fabian's missing parents. He only knows that they died about six years ago and the subject is not discussed with Fabian.
After a night hanging out, Fabian confesses to Anti that his father died in a car crash but his mother was not found among the wreckage. Fabian wonders if she is out there somewhere alive. Anti and Fabian take turns telling each other embellished stories to amuse themselves. Some of them are steeped in the truth while others are just lies. Anti is not sure how to take Fabian's story about his parents death/disappearance. He feels loyal to his friend and creates a newspaper article describing a clinic on the other side of Ecuador that takes in people suffering from amnesia. Fabian quickly buys into the idea and soon the boys are headed on an adventure to find Fabian's amnesiac mother.
Their journey leaves the reader wondering who to believe. It is clear that Anti made up the clinic but does Fabian honestly believe it exists or does he just want to go on one last adventure with his friend who may be getting sent back to England? The story is told through Anti's eyes and it is clear that all is not well with Fabian. Anti's relationship with Fabian is a struggle about control. Fabian is always the leader and Anti defers to him on most occasions. When Fabian most needs to be led, Anti is unable to step up.
James Scudamore writes an intriguing story about two friends who let what started out as a game get completely out of control. His knowledge of Ecuador and it's scenery add to the story and the reader feels as though they are on the train with the boys and exploring the beach in search of the amnesia clinic. The passion that the boys show for the clinic makes you almost believe that they are going to find it along with Fabian's missing mother. The one thing that is clear is that this is a game that has spun horribly out of control and has consequences for all of those involved.
This book is deals with topics appropriate mature teens. The use of curses is frequent and there are several sexual references.
© 2007 Amy Ridley
Amy Ridley received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology from Boston University.
Categories: Children