The Love Curse of the Rumbaughs

Full Title: The Love Curse of the Rumbaughs
Author / Editor: Jack Gantos
Publisher: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2006

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Review © Metapsychology Vol. 10, No. 46
Reviewer: Patricia Ball

This is a book of obsession,
passion and guilt but yet transcends to a higher level with the innocence of a
child loving so strongly that it becomes a curse. 

The story begins in a small town in
Pennsylvania and the tale is told by a young girl named Ivy.  Ivy lives with
her mother in the Kelly Hotel across the street from the Rumbaughs pharmacy. 
The pharmacy is owned by two old gentlemen who happen to be twins.  Their names
are Ab and Dolph, they are a little eccentric but they are both bound by an
overpowering love for their mother.

Ivy finds the love they share for
their mother is so overwhelming that when the over bearing Mrs. Rumabaugh dies
the twins find a way to keep her around forever.

Ivy discovers she too has rising
emotions inside her that she can’t deny and the desire to have her mother
around all the time takes control over her.  She finds herself thinking about
what she found in the Rumbaughs basement all the time and what the twins did to
their mother didn’t seem to be all that bad.  Ivy tells her mother that someday
she too will do the same to her.

Her mother isn’t shocked by Ivy’s
comments but feels she has to tell Ivy the secret that she has held for so
long.  On Ivy’s sixteenth birthday the truth is revealed.  Later Ivy who
throughout the book never once asks about her father now wants to know who her
father really is.

Ivy struggles a lot with her
emotions through out this book but at the end comes to understand them.

The book is well written and has
undertones of darkness yet still takes some lighthearted avenues to keep the
reader interested.


© 2006 Patricia

Patricia Ball, B.A., applies the
following descriptions to herself:

  • Research Chemist for 23 years
  • BA degree in Biology, Elms College
  • Recent graduate of Institute of Children’s Literature
  • Wife and Mother of two
  • Published Poet/Writer
  • Enjoy composing music, art, writing,
  • Interested in Metaphysics, Psychology
    and Science
  • Enjoy traveling:  USA, Canada and Europ e

Categories: Children