The Quest for Peace, Love, and a 24” Waist

Full Title: The Quest for Peace, Love, and a 24'' Waist: Challenge Your Beliefs, Remember Your Spirit and Lose Weight With Joy
Author / Editor: Deborah Low
Publisher: Bonneville Books, 2001
Review © Metapsychology Vol. 6, No. 26
Reviewer: Liz Bass
This weight loss book breaks no new
ground despite the author’s energetic efforts at convincing the reader
otherwise. With the determination of a telemarketer, Deborah Low tells us
everything she thinks we need to know in order to lose weight and thereby lead
a full life.
To be sure, Low isn’t as annoying as a
dinnertime caller. Lurking at the edges of her "you-can-do-this-you-little-boobchin"
script are expressions of sympathy for all the souls encased in rolls of fat.
She wants to help free those souls — no doubt about it. She wants to sell her
insights and methodology too — no doubt about that either. She gives her email
address at the close of her bio notes, and urges you to get in touch for info
about workshops and lectures based on the book.
The premise of the book is that unhappy
people eat too much, so in order to eat less (and therefore lose weight) a
person has to become happier. To press her case, the author uses an upscale
vocabulary, including words like visualization, motivation, issues,
spirituality, and flow.
She makes reference to scale gods, and
describes a success story this way: "Her heart and mind were aligned with
her physical goals." One can assume that the author’s target audience
consists of people with the resources to purchase the services of personal
trainers such as herself.
There is nothing new in The Quest unless you like to compare
window dressing. I think everyone in Low’s line of work ought to take the time
to study the Richard Simmons’ sales pitch because he makes no secret of his
magic bullet, which is empathy. Low sometimes breaks through with something
resembling it, but over all, it is the same old parental mish-mash with a
smiley-face on it.
Scale gods? Now that’s an interesting
concept. I wish she had done more with it.
© 2002 Liz Bass
Liz Bass is a retired teacher and
principal who lives in Northern California.
Categories: SelfHelp