The Survivor Personality

Full Title: The Survivor Personality: Why Some People are Stronger, Smarter, and More Skillful at Handling Life's Difficulties... and How You Can Be, Too
Author / Editor: Al Siebert, Ph.D.
Publisher: Perigee, Berkley Pub Group, 1996

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Review © Metapsychology Vol. 1, No. 25
Reviewer: JMG
Posted: 6/17/1997

This remains one of the best books I have ever read and it is an appropriate read for anyone. In this updated edition of the book, the author discusses how best to make it through life and cope with all of its myriad of difficulties. While it’s focus is on survivor issues, it really can help anyone.

The updated version of this book retains its nineteen chapters, the author covers topics ranging from the importance of flexibility and empathy, to learning how to thrive and manage your own self-healing. Specific chapters deal with surviving emergencies, crises, and natural disasters. He offers useful advice in dealing with negative and angry people, which should be of help to almost anyone who reads this. The book includes specific guidelines for listening to survivors of extreme experiences (helpful for anyone who knows someone who has survived a traumatic experience, including family members and friends), how to cope and survive job loss and the job search process, and much more. The Appendix includes notes and references as well as a recommended reading list.

The author has written a down-to-earth book which is an easy and enjoyable read. Peppered with the occasional graph to help illustrate an example, as well as dozens of stories from people’s experiences, it is an excellent “how-to” book in how to become one of life’s survivors. Resiliency and flexibility are key issues dealt with throughout this book. Highly recommended. 293 pages, softcover.

Categories: Personality