When Jeff Comes Home

Full Title: When Jeff Comes Home
Author / Editor: Catherine Atkins
Publisher: Puffin, 1999

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Review © Metapsychology Vol. 7, No. 15
Reviewer: Su Terry

When Jeff Comes Home by Catherine Atkins is
an interesting novel about the return of a kidnapped boy. Told from the boy’s
point of view the novel describes the social and psychological impact that the
return of a kidnapped boy has upon his family, his friends, and most of all
upon the boy himself.

When Jeff Comes Home by Catherine Atkins is
set in Central Valley California. Three years earlier, 13-year-old Jeff Hart
was kidnapped at a rest area outside of Fresno, California. At the start of the
novel, Jeff, now 16-year-old has been dropped off near his home by his
kidnapper a man Jeff knows only as “Ray”. 
Jeff has endured much at the hands of Ray, but has come to accept their
life together. He is reluctant to
return home and with good reason. His reception is anything but welcoming. His
family members and his former friends are for the most part strangers and treat
him like a stranger. He is put through a grueling interview process by Dave
Stephens, the FBI agent assigned to his case yet he is unable to describe his
experience or the man called “Ray”. 
Part of his problem may be that Jeff remains ambivalent about his
return. He is often unsure if he wants to endure the struggle to stay with his
biological family or simply return to his life with Ray. Ray is also not
completely out of the picture. He remains just on the edge of Jeff’s reclaimed
life. Just when Jeff’s life becomes intolerable, Ray plays his most powerful
card forcing Jeff to choose once and for all between Ray and his biological

I wish that I could say that this
novel is truly unforgettable, or over-whelming intense, but unfortunately it is
not. The characters spend their time tiptoeing around Jeff. They are unsure how
to treat Jeff and often too focused on their own difficulties coping with his
unexpected return. Other characters are intrusive prying for details with
prurient interest. As Jeff slowly adjusts to his new life, the story of Jeff’s
life with Ray is slowly revealed to the reader. Jeff for his part seems
unusually well adjusted considering his abduction experience. (See author’s
comments below.) The ordinariness of the story while it may indeed accurately
portray kidnap victims’ experiences may be too slow paced and undramatic for
modern readers. For those seeking a more lurid account about the sexual abuse
of a young boy try Little Chicago by
Adam Rapp also reviewed here.

Catherine Atkins,
the author of When Jeff
Comes Home,
claims that her inspiration for the novel was drawn from an
actual kidnapping case. In the historic case, seven-years old Steven Stayner
was kidnapped in Northern California in 1972. He was sexually abused for seven
years before he escaped. In 1980 at the age of 14-year-old, Stayner ran away
from his captor with a recently kidnapped 5-year old boy. The author writes of
the case,

I grew up near Merced and was about
Steven’s age when he returned, so it was a *big* story in our area. I was always really curious about how Steven
could go back to high school and face what would happen there. That thought was the spark I used, years
later, when I thought of writing a book about a kidnapped boy who returns
home. I didn’t want to take Steven’s
story for my own; it was important to me to make Jeff and his family and his
circumstances very different. The core
feeling remained the same though—how could a teen boy come back and face the
speculation of his peers and others about such an incredibly painful event in
his life?

The Steven Sayner Case also inspired a 1989 TV miniseries
entitled I Know My First Name Is Steven. That
same year (1989), Stayner, then 24-years old, was killed in a motorcycle

 “Catherine Atkins is a teacher as well as a writer. She has taught
in alternative education programs for the past ten years, working with students
of all ages, from elementary level to adults. Most of her teaching experience,
however, has been with teenagers.” Her first novel entitled When
Jeff Comes Home
was released in 1999. It was nominated for the Garden State
Book Award and the Eliot Rosewater Book Award. It was named an ALA Best Book
for Young Adults, an ALA Quick Pick for Reluctant Young Adult Readers, a
Booklist Top Ten First Novel, an IRA Young Adults Choice, and was selected as
one of the 2003 California Collection for High Schools. Her second young adult
novel entitled Alt. Ed will be released in April 2003.

When Jeff Comes Home by Catherine Atkins is
an interesting but not particularly emotionally intense novel. It is unique in
that it picks up where most kidnapping stories end. Sex and violence occur
off-camera and is described in a vague way. In light of recent news events,
this book might be worth reading. I recommend this book. (Fiction.

© 2003 Su Terry

Link: Author
web site

Su Terry: Education:
B.A. in History from Sacred Heart University, M.L.S. in Library Science from
Southern Connecticut State College, M.R.S. in Religious Studies/Pastoral
Counseling from Fairfield University, a M.Div. in Professional Ministry from
New Brunswick Theological Seminary, a Certificate in Spirituality/Spiritual
Direction from Sacred Heart University. She is a Licensed Minister of the
United Church of Christ and an Assistant Professor in Library Science at Dowling
, Long
, NY
. Interests in Mental
Health: She is interested in the interplay between psychology, biology, and
mysticism. Her current area of research is in the impact of hormonal
fluctuation in female Christian mystics.

Categories: Children, Sexuality