Zen Sex

Full Title: Zen Sex: The Way of Making Love
Author / Editor: Philip Toshio Sudo
Publisher: HarperSanFrancisco, 2000

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Review © Metapsychology Vol. 10, No. 15
Reviewer: Dana Vigilante

When this book came across my desk, I was pretty
psyched.  I thought I was going to learn
some new positions to enhance my pretty demure sex life.  However, I soon realized that I had Zen sex
a bit mixed up with another type of sex that a very famous rock star practices
with hours long stamina results.

However, all was not lost.  Based more on answering questions designed
to enlighten your sexual awareness, than fun positions, this book is definitely
not for the lay (excuse the expression) Zen follower.  However, if you have an extremely keen attention span during sex
(which I absolutely do not), and are able to answer questions in your mind as
your doing the deed, this book might just actually do the trick for you.   However, the advise offered here entails
the reader to have an above average willingness to remain still and quiet
during sex, as well as the ability to leave their mind and picture themselves
in a green field with rain falling on them, among other things. 

Written by the late Philip Toshio
Sudo, who also wrote The Zen Guide, this small paperback starts every
chapter with a question that one should ask themselves as they delve into love
making.  This is definitely a deep
book.  The one time my mind wandered to
painting the ceiling while making love, my boyfriend had a fit. 

This book touches on Yin and Yang, Tao Te Ching, The
Way of Giving, The Way of Rebirth and several other deep Zen issues that the
author advises the reader to ponder as they make love, or at least prepare to
make love.

I considered bringing this book
into the bedroom last night.  After
giving it some thought, I realized that by the time I went over all of the
feelings and questions with my boyfriend, he would probably be either asleep or
frustrated by the time I was finished.

I did, however, love the black and
white Japanese "shunga’s" (early 17th Century pictures) of
the various sexual positions scattered throughout the book.  As a matter of fact the book lists the
galleries as well as websites you can visit to see more of these very
interesting pictures. 

Again, definitely not a book for
Zen Sex beginners, but possibly an interesting read for the more


© 2006 Dana


Vigilante is a hospice educator as well as an advocate for proper end-of-life
care and a certified bereavement group facilitator. Currently writing a book
based on interviews with terminally ill hospice patients, she divides her time
between New Jersey and San Francisco.

Categories: Sexuality, SelfHelp