100 Things Guys Need to Know
100 Things Guys Need to Know is aimed at pre- and early-teen boys who are entering adolescence. While it does address some issues of puberty and…
17 Lies That Are Holding You Back
After reading Chandler's 17 Lies That Are Holding You Back, you will be making your own motivational speeches to yourself in your inner monologue. In…
Advanced Sexual Techniques
Advanced Sexual Techniques is a book by Linda Banner with a DVD by the Sinclair Intimacy Institute. It is aimed at heterosexual couples, and expl…
Age-Proof Your Mind
Explaining why the brain begins to get sluggish and slow, causing us to forget things, Tan touches upon several important aspects of memory loss such as…
Awakening Self-Esteem
The purpose and intent of this book is present the issues of self esteem or lack thereof as a clinical and practical avenue of life changing possibiliti…
If "laughter is the best medicine" then this book is, indeed, excellent medicine! Nancy Peske and Beverly West are two ladies who really know their stuff an…
Binge No More
"I binge continuously all day long. I can't control myself. I've stopped seeing friends and I spend my time alone - eating. I hate how I look, but I hav…
Boomers Really Can Put Old On Hold
The basic formula for longevity hasn’t changed much in the last 100 years and Barbara Morris’s recap of the prevailing wisdom isn’t going…
Bread Upon the Waters
Take an insatiable hunger for self-knowledge and desire for a meaningful life. Add a dash of the vagabond. Mix with an attitude of open experimentation.…
Bringing Up Parents
Well..Hum..Er..What can I say? I have tried to imagine the kind of teenager who will really engage with this text. To do so I have to imagine a teenager…
But I Love Him
This 184-page book is written for parents of teenage girls, as the title implies. Many parents, both men and women, do not know what is abuse and what is…
Conceptual Blockbusting
This is the 25th anniversary edition of Adams’ best-selling book that addresses the manner in which prejudices, blind spots, and tunnel vision can b…
Conquer Your Critical Inner Voice
Do you hear a constant inner voice saying things like, "Don't try that. You won't succeed." Many people struggle against this "inner voi…
Coping With Trauma
Most of us have had the reaction "I wish I'd written that" when reading something well written, well organized, genuinely informative and lucid. I had th…
Delivered from Distraction
For those tossing and turning in the tempestuous seas of attention deficit disorder ("ADD"), the uplifting raft of hope inspiring informatio…
What me, materialistic? I'd never seen myself that way. But there I was, pricing waterfront property instead of enjoying the view, agonizing about depr…
Divorce Poison
Every divorce attorney and every therapist dealing with any family or family member who is dealing with recent divorce issues, should recommend this book…
Dr. Weisinger's Anger Work-Out Book
My favorite recommended workbook for people who are looking for effective, down-to-Earth strategies for learning to cope with their anger. The approach is h…
Dying to Be Thin
Eating disorders have reached epidemic levels in America. Current statistics show that seven million women and one million men currently suffer with an e…
Embarrassing Medical Problems
Embarrassing Medical Problems is a user-friendly text that gives the terminally shy or embarrassed patient some recourse other than baring all to…
Embracing Uncertainty
For busy professionals, overworked parents, the over-stressed and the worried, and everyone else who cannot find time to study and experience the wisdom…
Emotional Claustrophobia
New Harbinger is one of the new publishers operating from an online site and they specialize in "self-help psychology, life skills, and health publi…
Family Desk Reference to Psychology
This is an informative book meant primarily as a quick and easy resource for the general public and mental health care consumers in dealing with their ow…
Fast Food for the Soul
I am not sure why Barbara Berger decided to name her book "Fast Food For the Soul." She doesn't mention a reason anywhere in the book. And I mu…
Fat and Furious
Most diet books today seem to set forth one solution for people to lose weight. It usually has its own catchy name, and strict guidelines to follow. Ma…
Feeding Your Child
There must be hundreds of books on looking after babies and infants, and probably many of them address feeding. Most people never actually read all the…
Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience
Imagine walking on the Gulf coast, gardening on a spring day, hiking your favorite trail. When did you last lose track of time in your favorite activity?…
Read the full review of Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience
Flying Colors
This book has already been well reviewed and received much praise. To these I would like to add my own account of how it gripped me with a growing terror…
From Sabotage to Success
On choosing this book for review I was reminded of the old title Think and G…
Getting over Getting Mad
Judy Ford has given us an easy to follow manual for dealing with the interactional stressors that make many of us angry. It's especially useful because of h…
Girl Stuff
Girl Stuff is a detailed description of what an adolescent girl may experience during puberty. The book addresses physical changes, as well as emo…
Goddess Worship
"Goddess, may I begin the massage?," asks hunky sexologist Clint Arthur, dressed only in a colorful blue and red wrap tied around his middle. …
Going Home without Going Crazy
When I first read the title of this book I thought, "Everyone has to relate to this!" The funny thing is, you might not. Afte…
Good Medicine
I've listened to this audio double-CD of Prema Chödrön several times and I would recommend it to those looking to an introduction to tonglen…
Grieving Mental Illness
The first edition of Grieving Mental Illness was published in 1994, and according to the Introduction to his edition, has produced a stream of mai…
Half Empty, Half Full
This book is about how "feeling optimistic is a reflection of our belief in and experience of our own capacity for the self-regulation of emotional states,…
Hot Buttons
Hot Buttons is a book that should be on everyone's bookshelf. This book would help coworkers, family members, siblings, marriage partners, and par…
How Full Is Your Bucket?
How Full is Your Bucket? is a work of positive psychology. The authors, Rath and Clifton, explain how important it is to have a full bucket, by w…
How to Have Magnificent Sex
As the title promises, this book provides the reader with specific instructions for improving the quality of their sexual encounters. However, it is not…
How to Live Well Without Owning a Car
Is it really practical to live without a car? Chris Balish says it is. In fact, not only does he think it is possible, but it will improve yo…
Read the full review of How to Live Well Without Owning a Car
How to Make Great Love to a Woman
With a similar structure to How to Make Great Love to a Man, this self-hel…
I'd Rather Laugh
Linda Richman reads her audiobook with gusto, and she needs to, because there is not much in her words to really educate her listeners. The basic message…
Ignite Your Light
There is a new trend in wellness and self-improvement books on the shelves each telling us how to be successful in life and in our careers, how to bring meaning to our lives, what to do, what not to do, what to eat, what not to eat and so on. This new tre
Illness and the Art of Creative Self-Expression
This book is for anyone who has experienced ill-health in body, mind or spirit or has a loved one who has; I think that should cover just about everybody. I…
Read the full review of Illness and the Art of Creative Self-Expression
Introduction to Qi Yoga
Qi Yoga seems to be a form of movement unique to Dawn Holst, who practices in Ohio. She describes it as an integration of hatha yoga and Qi Gong, which…
It's Not as Bad as It Seems
This book was written to help readers find and eliminate various forms of "stinking thinking" that often block the search for happiness and contentment. I believe in helping people become their own therapists, and my book provides a straightforward approa
Kripalu Yoga Dynamic DVD
This Kripalu Yoga Dynamic DVD is a companion to the Kripalu Yoga Gentle DVD. It is a longer program of yoga, at about 85 minutes, and it g…
Learn to Relax
Most self-help books are rather brash, promising a better life if you follow the advice provided, follow their program and get the accompanying workbook.…
Learned Optimism
Martin Seligman, a renowned psychologist and clinical researcher, has been studying optimists and pessimists for 25 years. Pessimists believe that bad event…
Letting Go of Anger
Letting Go of Anger, Second Edition, doughtily tackles the difficult task of effectual anger management. Coauthor Dr. Ronald T. Potter-Efr…
Life Makeovers
Here's a best-selling book full of advice I would be well advised to take, yet I find it nauseating. But then, that's to be expected -- I and the people I l…
Life Strategies
If you haven't seen "Dr. Phil" on television at least once, it wouldn't be too impertinent to ask, "Have you been out of the country for s…
Life's Work
We are told, "You can have it all!" Then when we have difficulties trying to have it all, we are then told, "yes, but you must have balan…
Living Your Best Life
Living Your Best Life is potentially a very useful book and potentially a rather dangerous book. As most "coaches" suggest potential is cri…
Meditation for Optimum Health
In this 2.5-hour audiobook, Andrew Weil and Jhn Kabat-Zinn discuss the health advantages of meditation on the first tape, then Kabat-Zinn guides the list…
Mind Mapping
Those who have not yet heard of Mind Mapping will find in Michael Gelb's succinct CD, an introduction to graphic methods to "wake…
Mozart's Brain and the Fighter Pilot
In this highly readable, hands-on volume, Richard Restak presents 28 chapters to help you improve your brain’s performance, to develop a “super…
Read the full review of Mozart's Brain and the Fighter Pilot
Not Your Mother's Life
Work/Life Balance is perhaps the most sought after goal of all workingwomen worldwide. In Not Your Mother's Life Joan Peters attempts to show us h…
This pocket-sized book has 116 factoids or hints concerning sex and orgasms mainly aimed at women. Some are gleaned from scholarly sex research – th…
Overcoming Obsessive Thoughts
Overcoming Obsessive Thoughts is structured as a self-help book, for readers seeking to overcome the tyranny of obsessive thoughts. The book is c…
Pain Free for Life
Pain free for life? That sounds impossible when doctors throw up their hands and admit they don't have a clue about the cause of serious back pain. B…
Pain Free for Women
The authors present information that shows that men and women are 99+% the same. We have only two minor differences in our bone structures. Throughout…
Position Of The Day Playbook
Position of the Day is a fun book of 365 diagrams of sexual positions. Each position is just done in outline, and most feature a man and a woman,…
Protecting the Gift
Once again Gavin de Becker has given us a thoughtful book crammed full of facts, statistics, studies, case histories and wisdom. Anyone who is interested in…
Quantum Memory Power
This is a brilliantly conceived and delivered set of programs for anyone who wants to improve personal memory in a variety of areas of everyday life.…
Raising a Self-Starter
William James, author of the classic The Principles of Psychology (1890), was one of those rarities, a popularizer of his own ideas. One of his mo…
Secrets of a Passionate Marriage
In Secrets of a Passionate Marriage, David Schnarch talks about how couples can cope with sexual problems. He talks spontaneously, although the p…
Self Matters
Self Matters starts out with McGraw telling a story about himself. He completed his Ph.D. and started a mental health practice with great success…
Self-Help Nation
"Relevance" or "Reason" - That seems to be the theme running through Tom Tiede's book, Self-Help Nation. The volume has quite the sub-title: "The Lon…
Self-Help Stuff That Works
I was reading a review of Self-Help Without the Hype and the revi…
Seven Life Lessons from Noah's Ark
The purpose of this book is to provide an in depth reflection upon life and to provide inspiration and affirmations of the obvious. This is accomplished…
Sexual Pleasure
Finally, a book that I wasn’t embarrassed to bring into the bedroom or display on my nightstand. A long overdue sex manual actually written by som…
Sleep Better
This audio CD aims to provide help in enabling you to sleep better through relaxing. The presenter is Michael Reed Gach, PhD,…
Staying Sane When Your Family Comes to Visit
Pamela K. Brodowsky and Evelyn M. Fazio, in a book entitled Staying Sane When Your Family Comes to Visit, have culled a collection of true stori…
Read the full review of Staying Sane When Your Family Comes to Visit
Stop Arguing with Your Kids
In an engaging primer, entitled Stop Arguing with Your Kids, Dr. Michael P. Nichols, a Professor of Psychology at the College of William and Mary…
Stop Me Because I Can't Stop Myself
Before starting this book, it is wise to remember that the authors are practitioners in this specialized field. The condition outlined is certa…
Strong, Smart, & Bold
Strong, Smart & Bold is a production by Girls Inc., which refers to itself on the book jacket as “the leading empowerment organization fo…
Taking Charge of Anger
This is a thorough but concise guide to anger management written for people who want to control and, ultimately, resolve their own anger. It's so nicely…
Taming Your Inner Brat
Pauline Wallin’s new book, Taming Your Inner Brat: A Guide for Transforming Self-Defeating Behavior, appears to be an entertaining book that…
Thank You for Being Such a Pain
This book is well reasoned, psychologically correct and intuitively helpful. Rosen's arguments work with the reader's values instead of fighting them. T…
The Breakout Principle
For many years insights about the connection between mind and body in medicine have been regarded as unscientific mysticism or outright fraud. It is both…
The Chronic Pain Solution
The book was divided into five different chapter groups titled: Understanding Pain, Take Control of Your Treatment, Therapies, T…
The Essential Kamasutra
For two and a half hours, Wendy Doniger talks about the Kama Sutra. Doniger is a distinguished Professor of the History of Religions at th…
The Game of Truth
This is a very interesting book about learning to face your innermost self and to define what your "truth" is, as you know it. It is a tool for se…
The Gift of Fear
From the very first sentence ("He had probably been watching her for a while."), it is clear why The Gift of Fear by Gavin de Becker remained on t…
The Good Vibrations Guide to Sex
Most sex guides aim at fairly definite subsections of the population: straight men, straight women, women who want to masturbate, gay men who want to kno…
The Healing Power of Pets
The Healing Power of Pets by Dr. Marty Becker with Danelle Morton is an incredible insight into how our bodies and minds can be healed by the comp…
The Identity Code
This is a self-help book. Normally, philosophers (like the reviewer) do not have a professional interest in self-help books, lest they be written by Epic…
The Inside Story on Teen Girls
Rubinstein and Zager have created a book that pulls together answers to the Big Questions raised by teen girls and their parents. And these are not the…
The Introvert Advantage
If you've been called shy, a shrinking violet, or a wallflower; if your friends tease you about still waters that run deep; or if you feel that you're ju…
The Magic of Thinking Big
Professor Schwartz wrote his modern classic in 1959, and the title is familiar to millions of readers ever since who have used his ideas to sell, bui…
The Mozart Effect
The basic message of this book is that music is a Good Thing, or as Don Campbell more poetically puts it: 'Music helps plants grow, drives our neighbors…
The New Cancer Survivors
It emerges from this book that the author Natalie Spingarn is a woman dedicated entirely to the subject of suffering with cancer. She writes from the poi…
The Passion Plan
Richard Chang has a pretty impressive list of clients: Toshiba, Marriott, Citibank, McDonald's. These are only a few of the corporations that have used h…
The Pilates Workout Journal
The Pilates Workout Journal announcing itself an exercise diary and conditioning guide, opens with a motivational introduction. This introduction…
The Places That Scare You
"The 'secret' of life that we are all looking for is just this: to develop through sitting and daily life practice the power and courage to return…
The Power of Focus
This is an inconsistent, feel-good self-help book with some good depth but not much new substance. I found it quite cloying in spots but other spots were su…
The Power of Full Engagement
If it weren't for the ways our crazy world is skewed by corporate pressures, and organizational imperatives generally, it would only b…
The Power of Negative Thinking
Gerald Amada draws from years of clinical experience to provide the reader with case studies that illustrate how various negative emotions may be at the sam…
The Power of Self-Coaching
Getting past the Forward of this book was a task in itself. As an advocate of self-help books, I could not, however, surmise where the author was going…
The Quest for Peace, Love, and a 24'' Waist
This weight loss book breaks no new ground despite the author’s energetic efforts at convincing the reader otherwise. With the determination of a te…
Read the full review of The Quest for Peace, Love, and a 24'' Waist
The Real Rules for Girls
Also reviewed: `` ``Dawn Chipman, Mari Florence, and Naomi Wax. Ed. by Pam Nelson. Cool Women: The Thinking Girl's Guide to the Hippest Women in History. Los Angeles: Girl Press, 1998.
The Self-Help Sourcebook
This is a comprehensive, useful guide for people looking to find or form mutual aid self-help groups in their local community. It is a well-written and an i…
The Stoic Art of Living
The Stoics offered powerful answers to the perennial questions of the human condition. Tom Morris resurrects the Stoic wisdom that counsels the developme…
The Therapy for the Sane
Editorial note: This book was originally published under the title The Big Questions but was re-released in paper back under the title Therapy…
The Ultimate Guide to Sex and Disability
Something about the initial plunge into this subject (and this text) is disquieting, even distasteful. The authors wisely deal with this phenomeno…
Read the full review of The Ultimate Guide to Sex and Disability
The Way of Transition
This is a very helpful book about personal process; what it is, how it works, how to conceptualize and use it to one's advantage. It is also an enormously p…
The Weblog Handbook
I came to this book with the preconceived notion of how pointless it is to write a book about blogging. I mean, blogging is quite easy; anyone with Inter…
The Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook
Authors Piven and Borgenicht suggest that readers keep this book in their glove compartments in order to be prepared for the unforeseen. That’s not…
Read the full review of The Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook
There's a Spiritual Solution to Every Problem
Using Spiritual principals as the solution to everyday situations such as financial problems, ill health and even relationships, to name a few, Wayne Dye…
Read the full review of There's a Spiritual Solution to Every Problem
Think Naked
Marco Marsan has made a successful career for himself out of thinking creatively, or more specifically, helping others to do so. The consulting group he…
Thinking for a Change
John Maxwell recommends good thinking because it will make you better and more successful at your job. He cites many well-known successful people in bus…
Way to Be!
In this book aimed at young people, Gordon Hinkley, president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, who has lived for more than nine decade…
What's Happening to My Body? Book for Boys
This book for preteens and teens focuses on puberty, providing clear and straightforward information about the bodily changes associated with the onset o…
Read the full review of What's Happening to My Body? Book for Boys
What's Holding You Back?
I found this book by California psychiatrist, professor, and radio talk-show host, Linda Austin, both thought provoking and confusing. There was the usual c…
When a Family Member Has Dementia
Dementia presents a variety of challenges to caregivers. In addition to the inevitable decline in memory and physical function, the vast majority of pers…
When Things Fall Apart
When I read the title When Things Fall Apart it sounded like the book would give advice and steps to follow in order to handle life when a loved o…
Wherever You Go, There You Are
As a philosopher steeped in Western traditions, I am curious about Eastern modes of thought. Jon Kabat-Zinn is known as a popularizer of meditation, and Wherever You Go There You Are has been one of the more successful books aimed at explaining some of t…
Wherever You Go, There You Are
As a philosopher steeped in Western traditions, I am curious about Eastern modes of thought. Jon Kabat-Zinn is known as a popularizer of meditation, and…
Writing in Flow
This is a very helpful and encouraging book for those writers wishing to enter flow, "the exhilarating part of creativity," more easily or often. The au…
Yes, Your Teen Is Crazy!
Ever since Judith Rich Harris’s The Nurture Assumption came out to chal…
Yoga for the Young at Heart
This DVD shows seniors how to do yoga. Susan Winter Ward leads two men and two women of varying ages in a relatively gentle set of exercises aimed at be…
Yoga on Demand
Yoga on Demand is a simple yoga practice DVD. It has one 30 minute practice and one 55 minute practice. Both are slow practices, and…
Yoga Weight Loss for Dummies
In this 39 minute DVD, yoga professional Chris Freytag guides you through a workout aimed at toning your muscles and helping you slim. The exercises are…
You'll See It When You Believe It
"I feel as if I have gone through a gate which will not allow me to go back to the place where I used to live." So opens You'll See It When…
Your Body Speaks Your Mind
Shapiro specializes in helping people communicate with their body. She teaches that our mind, both conscious and unconscious affects our physical body. S…
Your Child, Bully or Victim?
There has been a great deal of discussion in the professional and the lay literature regarding bullying. In this book, Your Child: Bully or Victim? …